Out of a White Hole (Other) by ALChemy
Conceived in a black hole
mid the iris of the minds eye
Itâs critical mass collapsed ego
pulls us deep inside
Fueling the cosmic whirlpool
Churning lie upon lie
Iâm singular, infinite, and beautiful
There your throne is ethereal
Lord of the vast nothing
But somewhere
in the brains grey material
comes something
An immaculate concept
Brighter than light
and too lite to be kept
by subconscious gravity
It flies on whimsical wings
It changes everything
Reversing relativity till
the irrelevant is ideal
It turns the wheel counter-clockwise
Summoning the spirit. Arise, arise!
A new universe unfolds
And behold, a star is reborn.
To decorate your sky
Votes: (green: user, blue: anonymous)
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1 | 0 |
Arithmetic Mean: 6.888889
Weighted score: 5.9444447
Overall Rank: 1383
Posted: August 29, 2005 4:30 AM PDT; Last modified: August 29, 2005 4:30 AM PDT
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335 view(s)
I was at a loss for a title till a thought crossed my mind.
"Is there such things as white holes?" I researched it and found some interesting scientific theories and yet another metaphor.