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Death by Liquid (Free verse) by PsydewaysTears
She told me that killing myself was bad. I even believed her for a moment there But you fell for her trap without realizing That with every bit of her DRINK YOU SIP You’re killing a part of yourself, Swallowing it with those emotions of mine That you feed off of like air... SUCKING ME DRY and robbing me of My right to pity you the way you pity me. We may have been too stupid to know any better But we called each other “friend” once, Back when the KOOL AID wasn’t spiked. Now times have changed and I’m still searching For the courage to see to it That I quickly DROWN MYSELF In my own failures, Instead of doing it torturously slow The way you do... In someone else’s.

Up the ladder: Without you
Down the ladder: Where Did You Go?

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Arithmetic Mean: 5.5
Weighted score: 5.134471
Overall Rank: 5581
Posted: December 18, 2004 8:02 PM PST; Last modified: December 18, 2004 8:02 PM PST
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[6] Dovina @ | 19-Dec-04/11:55 AM | Reply
I had trouble separating the three characters. Aparently, your friend is sipping the drink of "her." Maybe he's an alcoholic drinking her booz, or in love with her. He feeds off your emotions, which I don't get. Aparently you are about to commit suicied by drowning. Or have I got it all wrong?
[n/a] PsydewaysTears @ > Dovina | 19-Dec-04/2:13 PM | Reply
The "you" of this poem could be any person taken aside or singled out, but the "she" of this poem is the voice of political correctness or societal peer pressure... it's basically a mess of anger that got directed at at nobody and nothing in particular. I personally'd like to think that the suididal portions are meant more like a social suicide than an actual one. Thanks for an honest reaction!

•°•Gregory James•°•
[n/a] richa @ > PsydewaysTears | 19-Dec-04/3:47 PM | Reply
Holy jesus, I more than hope it was more of a social suicide. Another day another poet watching another person kill themselves. As for political correctness, being nice to negros is the second biggest cause of suicide among white men in England. So yes you are correct.
[6] Dovina @ > PsydewaysTears | 19-Dec-04/3:51 PM | Reply
I prefer a little more direction and singlness of purpose in the poems I read. I also write double-tongued sometimes, but from a poem like this, I go away with a few good tidbits and a lot of wonderment.
[10] wFraser Allonby Q.C.w @ | 21-Dec-04/8:21 AM | Reply
[n/a] PsydewaysTears @ > wFraser Allonby Q.C.w | 21-Dec-04/10:12 AM | Reply
Now there's a one-word-response we could all use a little bit more of.

•°•Truly Amused•°•
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