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She washed over me (Free verse) by nentwined
She washed over me like water, and I knew love like love had never known; she wriggled into every crevice, licked me clean, then left-- but she came back, caressed me down, deeper still. She went and came like some sick little game and I was stone, alone and uncertain; her visitations slowly eroded my hesitation and I became used to her comings and goings. We settled into a long routine, then: love when she was there and happy rememberings on her trips away. Slowly, though, she found my deep imperfections and seeping into them she'd leave a piece of herself behind to whip cold and hot. She'd tell herself tales when she returned and slowly I cracked, I crumbled, and she'd whisk those pieces away, rounding them to pebbles, then sand while I remained less and less. The strength of her love never waned and in time it became too much for what was left of me, one raw stone, and I let go. I entered her to and fro, another pawn of her whimsy to slowly be rounded to nothing through pleasure.

Up the ladder: Mallard
Down the ladder: We Were Burnouts

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Arithmetic Mean: 9.0
Weighted score: 6.0757656
Overall Rank: 1167
Posted: September 18, 2004 3:43 PM PDT; Last modified: September 18, 2004 3:43 PM PDT
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[n/a] -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. @ | 19-Sep-04/2:36 PM | Reply
"like water" - an excellent simile. Well done!
[n/a] <~> @ | 19-Sep-04/7:51 PM | Reply
oy. ready? set? crit:

She washed over me like water,

>>k—washed over me doesn’t need to be qualified with ‘like water’—>>economize your words for greater effect.

and I knew love
like love had never known;


she wriggled into every crevice, licked
me clean, then left--

>>okay, now we’re getting somewhere. Was it a salty tongue, like
>>sharkskin, so smooth on the approach yet tearing and scraping
>>like sandpaper as it pulled away?

but she came back, caressed me down, deeper still.

>>and what did that feel like?

She went and came like some sick little game

>>yep. Yep. Very clear to me.

and I was stone, alone and uncertain;

>> I have a hard time with stones being uncertain. They don’t roll.
>>They know where they’ll wake up tomorrow. They know what they are
>>going to wear tonight. And they definitely know if they look fat
>>in that.

her visitations slowly eroded my hesitation
and I became used to her comings and goings.

>>tides? To repeat the water/comparison to elementals metaphor?

We settled into a long routine, then: love when she was there

>>delete “then”

and happy rememberings on her trips away.

>>both of you settled into this
>both of you with the happy rememberings?

Slowly, though, she found my deep imperfections
and seeping into them she'd leave a piece of herself behind
to whip cold and hot.

>>finding and seeping cold maybe be better verbs? More insidious?

She'd tell herself tales
when she returned
and slowly I cracked, I crumbled,

>>what sort of tales? About what? Why? And how did it come
>>about that you heard them?

and she'd whisk those pieces away, rounding them to pebbles, then sand
while I remained
and less.

>>again, delete “then”

The strength of her love never waned
and in time it became too much
for what was left of me,
one raw stone,
and I let go.

>>you never showed us that she loved you, only that she tortures you

I entered her to and fro,
another pawn of her whimsy
to slowly be rounded to nothing
through pleasure.

>>apart from ‘pawn’ being overused, the rounding to nothing slowly through pleasure is quite good.
[n/a] nentwined @ > <~> | 19-Sep-04/10:48 PM | Reply
Thank you.

Much work it needs, but you give hope. :)
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