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Tattooed (Limerick) by DR Limerick
There was a young lady from Bude. Who had scenes of old England tattooed. Her boyfriend one day. went the whole penine way. But the cheddar gorge is still to be viewed?

Up the ladder: Taste Your Cocky Ego
Down the ladder: The Drop

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Arithmetic Mean: 4.3333335
Weighted score: 4.820706
Overall Rank: 10920
Posted: June 24, 2004 1:40 PM PDT; Last modified: June 24, 2004 1:40 PM PDT
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[6] Dovina @ | 24-Jun-04/3:59 PM | Reply
Comma after day. Funny, sort of.
[9] MR Blobby @ | 25-Jun-04/10:28 AM | Reply
[n/a] Doug @ > MR Blobby | 25-Jun-04/10:05 PM | Reply
There once was an ass from Sheffieid,
Who's keyboard's buttons were concealed,
save the L,O,Y and B,
He tried to press others you see,
but, blobby blob blob was all it would yield.
[n/a] DR Limerick @ > Doug | 25-Jun-04/11:16 PM | Reply
Yar i is likeyn dis limerick the dr say send some more 2 times a
day ist best for you.
[n/a] zodiac @ > DR Limerick | 26-Jun-04/11:01 AM | Reply
There once was a gay porcupine
With no lovers (because of his spines)
Till he got with Dean Cain,
Who said 'Sure, there's pain,
But compared with buggery, it's fine.'
[n/a] DR Limerick @ > zodiac | 26-Jun-04/11:37 PM | Reply
Gut limerick Zodiac! Wright one a day.this will maken you feel
mutch better!
[10] horus8 @ | 25-Jun-04/4:47 PM | Reply
Fickle Cocca 10!
[1] Edna Sweetlove @ | 20-May-06/5:07 PM | Reply
Ancient, misquoted, mis-punctuated and unamusing.
199 view(s)

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