Re: Bleeding in the American South by wilco |
14-Sep-07/3:10 PM |
you have a well crafted western. doesn't really say anything new and i don't like the refrain, but still well done
Re: a comment on Breath by thetrev |
29-Apr-07/1:54 AM |
that's a rather unhelpful comment. how exactly am i trying too hard, pray tell?
Re: new clothes, same old story by nypoet22 |
28-Apr-07/2:18 PM |
'fraid you inspired me to write a poem on the emperor, thanks!
Re: Puppet & Conversation by Blindpoetry |
26-Apr-07/6:51 AM |
well this was fun. i was worried at first because your first stanza is rather patronizing and doesn't say much i didn't know already, but the second stanza really got it going... from then on you gave us bright, fresh and disturbing images, me liked...
Re: Bugs by INTRANSIT |
22-Apr-07/11:18 AM |
i don't think you need "jealous". great otherwise.