Suggestions: (227 open)
Post a suggestionPlease be sure you're not duplicating someone else's suggestion or it will be deleted and ignored If you're going to post a BUG, I'd rather you just emailed me (kaolin.fire@poemranker.com) -- it's easier. :)
Displaying suggestions 181 - 190 of 227
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anonymous |
Last Post: 26-Apr-04/8:00 PM |
I suggest that for the fuck of it we hold a poemranker beauty contest, centering around a page with all of our pictures on it (I can make that page).
MacFrantic |
Last Post: 22-Apr-04/7:18 AM |
I agree, please get rid of and disallow all anonymous votes.
Also, it would be cool to have a section with dedications to famous poets through poetry written in the same style.
wFraser Allonby Q.C.w |
Last Post: 20-Apr-04/11:34 AM |
Can anyone explain why SupremeDreamer has begun writing like an English working-class Jerome K. Jerome wannabe from the 1920s? To give a few examples, he has recently used the following words and phrases:
"empty blitheri[...]
nentwined |
Last Post: 19-Apr-04/7:30 PM |
This sucks! I want to post more than one poem every two days! Argh!
nentwined |
Last Post: 19-Apr-04/2:04 AM |
Search is now far more searchalicious than it's been in a long time. And the 'users' page is now 'paged' as well, so it should be... relatively... functional. I hope it's appreciated. That was about seven hours of work, all told. And tomorrow is going [...]
anonymous |
Last Post: 18-Apr-04/8:15 PM |
Now with the IP lookup function I don't even have to login to for you to know who the fuck your talking to, son.