One voice (Free verse) by tre
Tick tock, Tick tock
So slow it looks as if it's going backwards
I hear her voice,
But I don't hear what she's saying.
Just one voice.
She chuckles, I smile.
Like Mrs. Clause,
short, stout, sweet.
Clothes too tight, so that her pudge hangs over her pants.
But I like her.
Just can't stay awake.
Her voice lulls me to sleep,
like a librarian at an elementary school.
Eyes heavy
I try everything to pass the time.
Flip through planner
Doodle on paper
Faces, initials, designs.
I form words from my name.
Sixty. Wow.
Impressive...or Sad?
Across the room,
heads nod off
finger nail's chewed up and spit out
blank looks
spacey eyes
one guy talks.
Always interested in...what's this class?
Suddenly, everyone joins in.
What's going on?
Is that laughing I hear?
I continue to write.
Oblivious to the chatter around me,
which was once only one voice.
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