There are only wolves, and sheep, and moon dance (Free verse) by Jeremi B. Handrinos
Nurse for the dead
I know yr'e dance, like I know the sky
Why I try to sigh and die
beyond me, is monastic bald prayerings.
draw my bath a sweet smell
then draw me inside, under
the water gazing up at you.
love hands tight around my thick neck
breaking my lips and parting
solid words to surface
again & again.
Count me lucky
and I will count you out.
And they will count us in.
A door swings
Wack! Wack!
Hard wind prying in
Out the window a dog flys by
then an old lady knitting
the sound of dirt on wood
Mi words soft, cellular
forever working their way
back to yu.
Sometimes, I wonder who I am.
Often, I can't forget.
We are a segueing.
We are yes we are are we yes
An Emeralding midnight drive.
A dark green unstrung
Spanish guitar solo
At a Social Club
Buena Vista.
A Mother & Son
A consummate tango.
Columbian neck tie.
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