Too Nearly Remembered (Other) by AtalantaPendragonne
Closing my eyes I almost see you
Just the ghost of the shape of your face
Just someone I thought I knew
I say it again but can't make it true
Yesterday is the farthest place
Closing my eyes I almost see you
What were those things we used to do?
Just once there might be, instead of empty space,
Just someone I thought I knew
A day's just something to get through.
Are memories something you can replace?
Closing my eyes I almost see you
If there had been some sign, some clue
Was there a waver in your embrace?
Just someone I thought I knew
Why should doubts return anew?
I will not live at yesterday's pace
Closing my eyes I almost see you
Is that my choice; forget or rue?
I can only deny what I cannot erase
Closing my eyes I almost see you
Just someone I thought I knew
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