i miss you (Lyric) by bxjay170
i sit back and reminist when you were here/
now all i do is think about how you
disapeared/i guess i was'nt good enough for
him because it was your father that send you
away/now i spend my nights praying i'll get
to see you again another day/holping our
love through distance does'nt fade/we told
each other we will never let anything or
anyone come inbetween/people say this can't
be love because we are only seven teen/i
can't make another female my girl/its like
your the only girl for me in this world/now
that our gone my hearts dead and burried
underground/only your kiss can bring its
beeding and sound/baby if i was the king
you'll be my queen and my dream is for us to
have a son to who i will pass down the
crown/i feel so lucky am the guy your heart
and love found/
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