~* ATHENA *~ is a recipient of the poemWanker award: for appropriating other writers' work and otherwise plagiarising.
Read with caution! Unadorned (Free verse) by w~* ATHENA *~w
Where do I begin and end in space
She wondered as she flew into the night
And heard it calling her name in the
I was with her then
Once again she heard the
silent voice
telling her to stop
you're going to far
Nonetheless she felt
no concious fear
Breathing soft to God as in
the instant of release.
Under a wide and starry sky
dig me a grave and let me die.
Where do I begin and end
in space
when you've seen her face
you can believe in natural law
Hiding in every place
she'll tell you why the sky is blue.
Down to the sea she is singing
and no man on earth
can be hid from her dreaming.
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