A Wanderlust To The New (Sonnet) by fevriere
A snowglint shines. Diana's virgin moon:
lighthouse of innocents; a happenstance;
a wanderlust for the young, keen and new,
who fall on love, and shyly, smally dance.
Timid are they, naked the white of eyes.
Likewise, they nibble a sliver of sleep
Then wake to a whisper of goosepimple.
They walk, blank-cheeked, blanketed, and make peep.
So what is this thrumming coin on the strand?
A pure heart that no-one has touched before.
A full moon dragged down like a low balloon.
A pale beached pearl on the wide blust'ry shore.
humming, "come little one, my Delight!
Breathe me a still breath tonight".
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