Horror Film (Free verse) by Jeremi B. Handrinos
Often, late at night, they will come out,
and flash, pop, shatter with limo chatter.
I might be working the corner and wave;
Blond juts out of sunroof, topless, vomits.
Orange County tattooed on her teeth and palms
I miss junk, it would be a time like this to shoot.
Tonight, I'm off, I'm writing about a one eyed pimp
Wheel chair knight of no table -- smoking blunt.
Gathering the harem of broken product &
Fat bottomed carriers, wigged, painted, dull.
City life burns hotter than hidden stars bother
As I look up, I only see a line of planes.
Man, what I wouldn't give to be with you now
Michelle, I'm sorry I lied -- Orpheus died.
And as I recall my first love through poem
and twisted scenery, trash, this cracked dream.
Simultaneously, another film plays in my mind; Us
Making love behind the Korean church in your Mercury.
Now I pen mad panoramic visions and chaos &
Nova, now I am really lost, a new vampire.
Ignotum per ignotious
Something dead stalking memory.
Something dead finding surrogates
Something altogether frightening.
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