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Cynical? (Free verse) by baughworm
The least will be the greatest. What a nice idea. Iron curtain. White picket fence. Both collapsed. Gandhi took a bullet for a theory. Billy Graham will rot in the ground with the rest of us. The greatest will be the greatest. The biggest will take your money. The shrewdest will con you into renting out your soul. Feed all the people, the people will burst. Starve them, tell them that they're full and they will thank you for the bread.

Down the ladder: Once they were gliders.

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Arithmetic Mean: 6.2
Weighted score: 5.1430435
Overall Rank: 5411
Posted: April 3, 2004 10:03 AM PST; Last modified: April 3, 2004 10:03 AM PST
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[8] deleted user @ | 3-Apr-04/10:28 AM | Reply
Yes, cynical. But the the last verse says a lot if you leave out "tell them that they're full." I don't see your point otherwise.
[7] Shuushin @ | 6-Apr-04/7:57 PM | Reply
line break between that/they're is ungood.
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