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Poetry in action (Free verse) by Bobjim
There lives near the edge of a town, A girl who I've never seen frown, Her beauty unequalled, There can be no sequel, So, will you go out with me now?

Up the ladder: Are You O.K.?

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Arithmetic Mean: 6.125
Weighted score: 5.302559
Overall Rank: 3675
Posted: March 22, 2004 1:52 AM PST; Last modified: March 22, 2004 1:52 AM PST
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[9] poemwanker @ | 22-Mar-04/7:53 AM | Reply
You know, alcohol works just as well.

There lives near the home of this dude
A girl who I've never seen nude
Her dress sense is blessed
But I wish she'd wear less
Right, fuck this, I'm off for some food

Cheerio old boy
[n/a] Bobjim @ > poemwanker | 22-Mar-04/8:47 AM | Reply
That's scarily similar to the first version. But I decided to actually use this on someone, so I modified it a bit.
[8] Shuushin @ | 22-Mar-04/8:54 AM | Reply
nothin says lovin' like a limerick.
[n/a] Bobjim @ > Shuushin | 22-Mar-04/9:07 AM | Reply
Technically it's not a limerick. Limericks have one less syllable in the 3rd and 4th lines.
[8] zodiac @ > Bobjim | 22-Mar-04/9:24 AM | Reply
Not true.
[n/a] Bobjim @ > zodiac | 22-Mar-04/9:43 AM | Reply
Syllables in: a limerick my poem
8 8
8 8
5 6
5 6
8 8
[8] zodiac @ > Bobjim | 22-Mar-04/9:51 AM | Reply
No. If the extra syllable is a two-syllable end-word, it works fine. For example, iambic pentameter is usually defined as ten syllables in an accented-unaccented scheme. But the best, most consistent pentameter writers (Pope comes to mind, and Shakespeare) often add an extra unaccented syllable on the end, as in the first line of Othello, "Tush! ne'er tell me; I take it much unkindly."

The real test will be to take it to an Irish pub, get smashed on pints of warm Guinness, and recite it very loudly. I can assure you it will work.
[n/a] Bobjim @ > zodiac | 22-Mar-04/9:59 AM | Reply
Who said any of it was unaccented. I like the last bit though, but I think I'll go to my local instead of an Irish pub.
[8] zodiac @ > Bobjim | 22-Mar-04/2:54 PM | Reply
There LIVES / near the EDGE / of a TOWN,
A GIRL / who I've NE / ver seen FROWN,
Her BEAU / ty un EQualled,
There CAN / be no SEquel,
So, WILL you go OUT / with me NOW? -- feet made of two unaccented syllables followed by an accented syllable are called anapests.

The following is a well-known limerick by Edward Lear. It not only adds extra syllables to 3 & 4 (like yours) but also to 1, 2, & 5:

"There was an Old Man of Moldavia,
Who had the most curious behaviour;
For while he was able,
He slept on a table,
Until he found water beds wavier."

Edward Lear is, by the way, the most famous and prolific limericist ever.
[8] Shuushin @ > zodiac | 22-Mar-04/10:38 AM | Reply
thats the sorriest definition of iambic or pentameter I've ever heard.
[8] zodiac @ > Shuushin | 22-Mar-04/2:43 PM | Reply
Ten syllables = 5 feet of iambs, which are one unaccented followed by one accented syllable, i.e., but SOFT / what LIGHT / through YON / der WIN / dow BREAKS. Don't fuck with me on this.
[8] Shuushin @ > zodiac | 22-Mar-04/5:29 PM | Reply
Thats quite a different example/definition.

And if I want to fuck with you. I'll fuck with you, but that's just *way* too easy for my tastes.
[8] zodiac @ > Shuushin | 22-Mar-04/6:02 PM | Reply
Well, then. I hope you don't ever decide to really fuck with me. Friends now?

In Spanish, which really accents only either one or two syllables per phrase or sentence, the equivalent of iambic pentameter is called decasílabo (ie, ten syllables). Since Bobjim was talking about total syllable counts instead of feet-counts, I was trying to include that aspect. But I do know what English iambic pentameter is. Really. I swear.
[8] Shuushin @ > zodiac | 22-Mar-04/6:17 PM | Reply
Never anything but.
[n/a] Bobjim @ > zodiac | 24-Mar-04/9:10 AM | Reply
I know what you're up to you know. You're trying to confuse me with big words, well it won't work, I have a dictionary.

Now, if only I could read...
[8] zodiac @ > Bobjim | 24-Mar-04/9:22 AM | Reply
I have a degree in Spanish Literature. Ask Shuushin.
[n/a] Bobjim @ > zodiac | 24-Mar-04/9:26 AM | Reply
What makes you think I'd trust Shuushin?
[8] Shuushin @ > Bobjim | 24-Mar-04/10:14 AM | Reply
Yeah, I'd fuck him over in a second without even noticing.
[8] Shuushin @ > Bobjim | 22-Mar-04/10:36 AM | Reply
Ah, most sorry to disagree - limericks have no syllable count, just 3 long lines and two short ones in an aabba format.
[n/a] Bobjim @ > Shuushin | 22-Mar-04/11:44 AM | Reply
The huge poetry poster in our english department agrees with me. I have every confidence in it's creator, and it makes me feel clever.
[8] Shuushin @ > Bobjim | 22-Mar-04/11:47 AM | Reply
lol - I understand - no worries.
[8] Shuushin @ > Bobjim | 22-Mar-04/12:34 PM | Reply
btw - what does he/she say is the correct count?
[n/a] Bobjim @ > Shuushin | 24-Mar-04/9:06 AM | Reply
Are you stupid? I give a syllable count, you disagree, I name the source. What do you think the poster said?
[8] Shuushin @ > Bobjim | 24-Mar-04/10:16 AM | Reply
sorry, missed where the count was given. [shrug]

Maybe I am stupid - what was the question now?
[8] Shuushin @ > Shuushin | 24-Mar-04/10:21 AM | Reply
and when you said "poster" you meant a big page hanging on the wall, and not some person who posts?

Hey, I'm trying here.
[8] Shuushin @ > Bobjim | 24-Mar-04/10:19 AM | Reply
oh! you mean, by saying,

"Limericks have one less syllable in the 3rd and 4th lines."

that they (3rd and 4th) have one less syllable than the 1st, 2nd and 5th lines?

so like

there once was (3)
man from nan (3)
bla bla (2)
bla bla (2)
you could suck (3)

like that?
[n/a] Bobjim @ > Shuushin | 24-Mar-04/10:27 AM | Reply
i like 3, that'll do
[n/a] Bobjim @ > Shuushin | 24-Mar-04/10:26 AM | Reply
no, i mean the list of numbers that comes a bit after
and you know it
[8] Shuushin @ > Bobjim | 24-Mar-04/10:53 AM | Reply
no seriously - I didn't notice! I'm going to re-read the thread now. Sheesh.
[8] Shuushin @ > Shuushin | 24-Mar-04/10:55 AM | Reply
OH THAT LIST. That a new one on me.

What is the name, etc. on this poster - I wanna look it up.

Is it from like a store?
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