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An Anti-Tea campaign of 2020 (Free verse) by ShaNoN+960317485
They say drugs kill humans So abuse it not they say Ride a bicycle & take tea instead! Well, let me tell you simple Tea is the leader of the gang Back in the old ages, drugs were but rare Even then the folks had tea in their lair Mild and welldone browned and fair Those folks ate & drank them in pairs So you see even then he was here Eating away cell under our folks hair Kids were born to die when dear Drowning mothers in much despair Whilst fathers drank and rocked the chair So you see the brew that’s sweet is harsh Drinking you as you drink them, does it seem fair? How many you know, that’s been on crack? Died not on drugs but of a dear accident Falling off a balcony or under some truck Whilst in autopsy they mark the alcohol level So you see it aint the drugs But freaks of ones twisted luck But believe when I say and do trust Tea is the leader of them all the drugs Most folks only worry is its stain on rugs Not the poison it seeps into your blood My, my, you may say – it’s only caffeine Soother of hectic nerves, proven to be safe Well belief and facts are of a god, all supreme But scientists show bones and prove us all hillbillies So you see tests are but uselessly inane for your willies Contrived modules of the deranged so called pristine Keeping you quibbling while dead eats you silly So just take arm and switch to coffee Ha, you believe not what I preach Coffee you say would be an added grief Coffee is sour, whilst tea is sweet It eats naught and overcomes sleep My, aint that something grand for you to reach So curb the Killer in the cup of grief Switch I say, to coffee Just say Tea kills humans So throw it to the drain Ride ye bicycle and take coffee instead

Up the ladder: Ahkataka Akarnakuray
Down the ladder: If mogwai made a Pencil

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Arithmetic Mean: 6.0
Weighted score: 5.119203
Overall Rank: 5883
Posted: November 23, 2003 9:52 PM PST; Last modified: November 23, 2003 9:52 PM PST
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[n/a] ShaNoN+960317485 @ | 23-Nov-03/9:56 PM | Reply
Advertisements is in part a two faced bitch.

Been a long time since id been IN - Sorry guys, busy as a bee & taking 2 much cofee:o)
[n/a] INTRANSIT @ | 24-Nov-03/6:26 AM | Reply
A big box of mumbo-jumbo. If dug into, sorted and organized, a poem can be had. Find more nasty effects of the tea. tea is bad. tea is bad. show me why. don't just say "it eats brain cells" do some research.
[n/a] ShaNoN+960317485 @ > INTRANSIT | 24-Nov-03/8:09 PM | Reply
Advertiser and Protestants do little research; they just start of with what they can get their hands on:o)
[n/a] ShaNoN+960317485 @ > ShaNoN+960317485 | 24-Nov-03/8:43 PM | Reply
Better sit by that TV, INTRANSIT, its gonna help u understand a little of what i have said – How the darn protesters behave and the Adds are just as inane. You sud sit by me with a cup of coffee and just waste a good hour by the tube – then stand take a deep breath and say what ever your heart desires. I am a 100& plenty on the fact that u gonna grin, pat me on me back and say – ShaNoN, thnx for opening my eyes:o)
[n/a] INTRANSIT @ > ShaNoN+960317485 | 25-Nov-03/10:56 AM | Reply
Ok. I missed the point. Touche. I still think it needs better organized.

I'm wide open. take a shot.
[8] The_Third_Isis @ | 24-Nov-03/3:44 PM | Reply
Starbucks as in the star of david {they own it} if it wasnt so good the (coffe pickers not growers)like the (coca)would not drink or chew? it unless they had 2 quench the should see it first hand to understand. And mean whyle back at the "ranch" Boston had a tea party, and here in the land of Oz we get our eyebrows waxed by the scarecrow and have our nails and feet licked by TOTO over chai...Is this to deep? lets let that tea bag the meantime we will let "them" over in the third world plant harvest our drug of choice,death will eat us silly but it all depends on our genetic make up.Death will come knocking no matter what.So hillbillie or astronaut caffeine puts me to sleep, must be a part eastern european,IncaMix you are a comedian I honour you with a nine.X'cuse my spelling.Ssssssssss
[n/a] ShaNoN+960317485 @ > The_Third_Isis | 24-Nov-03/8:34 PM | Reply
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