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museheart is internationally published (Free verse) by scitz
I am at I only signed up to see what kind of site you had and it is about what I figured. In all due respect, I believe/ in freedom of speech, but if you will note the comments sent to me via my e-mail/ because I criticized a poem with a lewd title in the classification of 'other' which offended me as a poet and a person. (I don't dare post live with my IP # after what these twits said to me.) They must be fifth graders or extremely immature to personally attack a person with that kind of foul language. I realize that there is little respect left in this world but if this is the kind of thing you permit, I am ashamed of you as 'publishers of poetry'. I am an internationally published poet and I will not have my work defiled in this way! So does this go in file thirteen or do I get a decent reply? I have better things to do, I thought you wanted some good poets. I cannot recommend your site. Sincerely, XXXXxXxx X. XxXxxX

Up the ladder: Boy's Hell

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Arithmetic Mean: 6.6
Weighted score: 5.190725
Overall Rank: 4667
Posted: September 9, 2003 9:21 AM PDT; Last modified: September 9, 2003 9:21 AM PDT
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[n/a] scitz @ | 9-Sep-03/9:25 AM | Reply
if you wanna learn how to backstab see:

nice to know poemranker is appreciated.

fucking whiners.
[n/a] scitz @ | 9-Sep-03/9:26 AM | Reply
I herebty promise not to defile you.
[n/a] scitz @ | 9-Sep-03/9:27 AM | Reply
(speliing mistake intentional to go wiv me bad powertry)
[n/a] http://bandgeek @ | 9-Sep-03/9:42 AM | Reply
It is called "the dozens".
[10] Bachus @ | 9-Sep-03/12:25 PM | Reply
I wonder who she was going to recommend the already 'best poetry site' on the internet too? Perhaps her parrot? I tell you she must be a museheart because she sure isn't a museface. lol
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