a new generation (Free verse) by blurryphotograph
'What a brave girl.'
They said,
smoothing her sheets
tucking in blankets.
Masked faces,
showing no emotion
no worry
as they change blood soaked bandages.
They left her alone
and behind closed doors wondered,
'Why won't she stop bleeding?'
When she woke up
her head hurt
and her eyes didn't work.
Her fingers travelled all over
this unknown body,
finding valleys and mountains never known
and liquids coming from
unfamiliar places.
Places where it hurt to touch.
And she was scared.
'What a courageous girl.'
They said,
astounded that
no tears stemmed
from hollow eyes
surrounded by purple markings
and the imprint of a fist.
Purple was her favorite color.
She had a scarf that she would wear,
her gypsy scarf.
It would take her away from reality.
She loved it, and
it was purple.
But now she wears decorations of rage.
Purples, blues, and blacks
the color of a new generation of children.
Ones that don't trust as much
Ones afraid to sleep with the windows open
for fear of what will come into their dreams
ones that flinch at raised voices
and ones that will hesitate to love.
And she thought,
'I am not brave'
Jaw wired shut, it would be
useless to tell them that,
for she is not proud
that she is unable to cry.
Votes: (green: user, blue: anonymous)
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2 | 0 |
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1 | 0 |
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1 | 1 |
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0 | 0 |
Arithmetic Mean: 6.2
Weighted score: 5.1430435
Overall Rank: 5369
Posted: April 1, 2003 2:06 PM PST; Last modified: April 1, 2003 2:06 PM PST
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