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A Question Of Perception (Free verse) by Jigg
You know that feeling that you're not there? Really you are but reality's elsewhere Sonics and visuals won't matchup Is this your hand? Is that a cup? You then question if it'll come to an end Will reality kick in or will you spend The rest of your life living this way If you don't question more, who may!

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Arithmetic Mean: 4.5
Weighted score: 4.865529
Overall Rank: 10344
Posted: March 5, 2003 2:53 PM PST; Last modified: March 5, 2003 2:53 PM PST
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[6] DurtKL @ | 5-Mar-03/5:43 PM | Reply
...ur good at the ryhme...and it'll be a good song
[5] emeraldeyes @ | 5-Mar-03/6:54 PM | Reply
i could see this as a song
[6] Jeremi B. Handrinos @ | 5-Mar-03/7:41 PM | Reply
Yes, a song? Except it's about a chorus, bridge, and two verses shy. This is a fine freeverse and properly titled so.
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