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Touch (Free verse) by Sailing Solo
Every time I see you, it is as if I have never left you. Every time I leave you, it is as if I shall never see you again. Every time I hear your voice, it is as if I have always heard your song in my heart. Every time I leave you, it is as if I shall forever be deaf. Every time I touch you, it is as if I have held you all my life. Every time I leave you, it is as if I shall be always alone. Every time we are together, is a life time of love. Every time we must part, it is as if I shall never love again.

Up the ladder: Coming Back
Down the ladder: Erosion

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10  .. 00
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Arithmetic Mean: 4.5
Weighted score: 4.75
Overall Rank: 11699
Posted: July 11, 2002 10:24 PM PDT; Last modified: July 11, 2002 10:24 PM PDT
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