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**The Therapist** (Free verse) by scitz
She selected a smile and applied it insincerely. Obviously perfected over a while, And tried, she had clearly. The room smelt of pear drops in a brown paper bag, I was the object of her stare, Was she categorizing me as possibly mad ? She wasted no time in asking me questions, Her underwater voice made me sleepy. My whole life in highlights for 2 sessions, The tone of her voice was jolly, Discussing my life so melancholy. She was an intellectual challenge, and I was determined she would not beat me. I concentrated on my tone, spoke in steady rhyme, I awaited her response, and when it came I knew immediately I had wasted my time. She was promoting the social ideals I detest, Her idea of the worst people for me were the best. She made so many notes for so little said, I found her vacuous, Someone empty of emotions, So how the hell could she heal my head? When hers was full of curricular notions. The therapist taught me one thing though, Feelings are best kept secret, For us and us only to know.

Up the ladder: the queue
Down the ladder: No more tears, or trail

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Arithmetic Mean: 6.818182
Weighted score: 5.909091
Overall Rank: 1434
Posted: January 8, 2003 9:47 AM PST; Last modified: February 6, 2003 6:40 AM PST
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[8] RGallet @ | 8-Jan-03/11:33 AM | Reply
Fucking Marvelous. Great idea for a poem, decisively executed. I wish I'd thought of it first. But - a bit too angry, a bit too poetic. 8. I'd revise it
[n/a] OneFingerAnswer @ > RGallet | 13-Jan-03/2:01 PM | Reply
I agree. Good idea but the poem's not quite right.
[n/a] TanHand @ > RGallet | 7-Feb-03/1:15 PM | Reply
RGallet is the poetry world's newest newly discovered genius.
[9] <{Baba^Yaga}> @ | 13-Jan-03/1:40 PM | Reply
i'd lose the last line completely.
[10] wOrnella Mutiw @ | 19-Jan-03/4:25 PM | Reply
But the question is did you take advantage of the black leather couch? When you're paying $120/hr...might as well. Your poem right on...from personal experience.
[9] brazen @ | 6-Feb-03/6:46 AM | Reply
very nice, except i'll fight you about the moral of the story. feelings should not and are utterly impossible to keep locked up or secret. they project from you in every way and from every orifice...unless you have none. remember, a blocked pipe will explode from the pressure.
[7] <~> @ | 6-Feb-03/9:10 AM | Reply
the rhythm in this faulers, scitz. also, drop the last line.
also also--you cannot keep your feelings secret; they will out. you just went to the wrong one, is all. too bad there's no way beforehand to find a match.
[8] Caducus @ > <~> | 7-Feb-03/5:47 AM | Reply
its scitz, zzinnia got your e mail and its a blast, thanx peanut !
[7] deleted user @ | 9-Feb-03/6:21 PM | Reply
you need to get laid, but still good work
[6] deleted user @ | 13-Feb-03/6:01 PM | Reply
Almost narrative, but without a clear story climax or punchline. I'm left guessing about your need to be quiet, not filled with an image or archetype, or having it explained.
[9] halofriendly @ | 21-Apr-04/6:41 PM | Reply
I have definitely had this kind of experience in a counseling session
[6] Jill Stockinger @ 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 | 27-Dec-20/4:16 PM | Reply
liked the point of the poem.
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