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him (Free verse) by akriti_mehta
He makes me feel cared about, He makes me feel loved. He makes me feel everything, I've ever wanted to feel. But somehow I just keep running away from all his love, His love sinks to the bottom, My fear rises above. My fear of having him, and then losing him one fall. Coz u see, not only is he my love, but my best friend , my all. So I am afraid to love him, now or ever, Because i am so sure , whatever we might have, will one day surely sever. But i just cant get him out of my mind, no matter how much i strive, Maybe its time for me to discern, He has become a part of my life. So I hate all of him, just for one sole reason, I cannot not love him, any day of any season.

Up the ladder: The black scary night
Down the ladder: invisible field

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Arithmetic Mean: 3.875
Weighted score: 4.697441
Overall Rank: 12023
Posted: July 7, 2002 1:19 AM PDT; Last modified: July 12, 2002 6:45 AM PDT
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[1] moonhound22 @ | 15-Jul-02/12:18 PM | Reply
i won't be so arrogant as to think that my opinion means much, but i didn't particularly care for this poem. i felt that it was somewhat cliched, predictable.
[n/a] razorgrin @ | 15-Jul-02/12:25 PM | Reply
K??dresh and moonhound are right. This is pretty bad.
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