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the rapier (Limerick) by <~>
en garde there once was a man from kansas city who ranked and critiqued without pity his weakness was gin he'd get under your skin-- he wrote of the sweet and the gritty touche if asked, he'd tell you the truth uncouched, you'd think it's abuse he owned no kidd gloves and wouldn't fall in love-- he'd already found his muse more to come...

Up the ladder: I'm your father!
Down the ladder: White Lie

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10  .. 22
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.. 00
.. 02
.. 12

Arithmetic Mean: 4.888889
Weighted score: 4.8941584
Overall Rank: 9900
Posted: December 13, 2002 6:19 PM PST; Last modified: December 23, 2002 2:07 PM PST
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[7] ==Doylum @ | 28-Dec-02/7:53 PM | Reply
where do all commetns go when they die?
where ae your mention of aids? lightening fast as they all should be
where is your verse about Botte de Nuit?
[5] Mystictwilight @ | 14-Sep-04/9:37 PM | Reply
Sorry but I got confused
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