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Popaul (Free verse) by Nicholas Jones
When I cooked lamb last weekend I did not add garlic. This is because in the film 'Le Boucher', When the eponymous character Tries to seduce the young teacher By cooking her a fine joint, He says that garlic should have no place In the preparation of lamb. Of course, later in the film He is revealed as a psychopath, Murdering girls and leaving their bodies On the hillside. But at no point is it suggested That he does not know his onions When it comes to meat.

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Arithmetic Mean: 4.1666665
Weighted score: 4.7758822
Overall Rank: 11347
Posted: December 11, 2002 2:13 AM PST; Last modified: December 11, 2002 2:13 AM PST
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[n/a] razorgrin @ | 11-Dec-02/5:47 AM | Reply
I don't like lamb, but i'm fond of longpig.
[6] deleted user @ | 11-Dec-02/6:18 AM | Reply
I Prefer pork anyday, personally
[n/a] razorgrin @ | 11-Dec-02/6:32 AM | Reply
people taste a little like pork. you can use the same recipes for human as for pork.
[6] deleted user @ > razorgrin | 11-Dec-02/6:35 AM | Reply
Really? I had no idea. And there was me thinkin it was just pig!
Are you a cannibal by any chance?Cos I always thought people would taste of chicken
[1] poetandknowit @ | 11-Dec-02/9:48 AM | Reply
Stupid as usual. You used to write well.
[n/a] Nicholas Jones @ > poetandknowit | 17-Dec-02/10:57 AM | Reply
Thank you for this barbed compliment. When I joined the site, I put on the best of my poetry from the last five years - just the ones I liked. Now, I put on most of what I write, including stuff that isn't finished. That's why not all my poems are very good.
[1] poetandknowit @ > Nicholas Jones | 17-Dec-02/11:43 AM | Reply
Actually, I think when you focus your images on what you know the poems are quite good. And even some of the political poems work - "The Left Book Club" etc. It is when you write overwhelmingly generic poems either designed to be reactionary or not that I think you wander off the path. But the poem where you are learning your father's language. That was good stuff as is the West Sands poem. You live in beautiful country and evoke it well, so those are the poems I find most compelling. And you like good films. So that is a plus. What or whom is the dissertation on?
[n/a] Nicholas Jones @ > poetandknowit | 20-Dec-02/1:06 PM | Reply
My Phd thesis is about a Welsh poet called Harri Webb. He wrote mainly in English, but also sometimes in Welsh, and his poetry is characterised by a strong political commitment to socialist and nationalist beliefs, and also a strong vein of humour. I actually put some of his poems on poemranker, under the name 'Gwyrfab' (a pseudonym often used by Webb) to see what people would say. I suppose that's technically against the rules, but I never pretended I wrote them. Merry Christmas, everybody, by the way.
[5] <~> @ | 17-Dec-02/11:03 AM | Reply
don't mind p&k. he gets cranky. i get bitchy. horus babbles. etc. keep posting.

i don't know what popaul is. wanna tell me?
[n/a] Nicholas Jones @ > <~> | 20-Dec-02/1:02 PM | Reply
Popaul is the name of the character in the film. He's a butcher and a murderer. He seduces the schoolteacher by cooking her a fine leg of lamb. Sounds like a good technique to me; my culinary abilities are excellent.
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