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can't (Free verse) by nentwined
can't won't will not FUCK can't think the thought for the thought that is stuck in my head won't relent -- gods I'm spent. the will is a'twisting around my chest cavity stressing the gravity the forces of death life rebirth and the moment is paused. paaaaaaused... STOP! crystalline moment of nothing is done crystalline moment of mind that is numb, dumb, mute can't refute that nothing is changing but the time which is passing around me in waves splashing ashore; acid burning my skin, knocking for entrance knocking to KNOCK to WAKE the fuck up STOP staring stop stopping STOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOP! do the things that need doing, the lists that you've listed take them two fisted and slam the tasks back -- fill your belly on FILLING the rut: fuck this "can't". can?

Up the ladder: Skating
Down the ladder: Thin Blood

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.. 33

Arithmetic Mean: 6.6551723
Weighted score: 6.6510797
Overall Rank: 553
Posted: October 7, 2002 12:27 AM PDT; Last modified: October 7, 2002 12:27 AM PDT
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[9] INTRANSIT @ | 7-Oct-02/5:35 AM | Reply
Still at war with the sleep monster I see. If you've got a little writers block, relax, inspiration will find you. In the meantime,hope all is well on the other side of my screen,and you're having sucess with your pets. Thanks for backing PR the way you do:)
[n/a] nentwined @ > INTRANSIT | 7-Oct-02/5:39 AM | Reply
It's a constant battle with the sleep monster, though this week I'm not using any "artificial" stimulants. Just me and my willpower and whatever unnatural chemistry I may have been blessed or cursed with (or whatever I can trick myself into believing). the writer's block is a bit worse than a little, unfortunately -- inspiration has left me high and dry for half a year. I'm sending in the cavalry of "keep trying and maybe something will work". Glad you're enjoying PR. =)
[9] INTRANSIT @ | 7-Oct-02/8:19 AM | Reply
Hey NEN, dont wanna pitch a bitch but I'm curious as to why some can post moree pieces than others? I think 3 a week is fine considering there are 700 plus on this site now. Just my curiosity and opinion.
[n/a] nentwined @ > INTRANSIT | 7-Oct-02/4:13 PM | Reply
i was just noticing that weirdness and I have a guess -- I think that the loophole is to post new ones and then EDIT old ones after you reach your limit. I need to figure out how to deal with that.
[9] INTRANSIT @ > nentwined | 7-Oct-02/6:27 PM | Reply
Well dude, keep on keepin on. Looks like all the "higher ups" have gone or are extremely busy. I guess I need to get busy and move some friggin' cars before they repo my house. Can't help but feel stupid sittin' in a traffic jam in a Car Hauler with a load of 10 on.... Anyway, thanks and catch you on the flip trip:>
[n/a] -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. @ > nentwined | 21-Oct-02/5:18 PM | Reply
If I remember rightly, your justification for instating the limit was to prevent people posting their entire 10-year poetry collection and then scuttling off into the sunset. Since there is still a limit of x*3 poemes for x weeks, this can't happen.
[9] <{Baba^Yaga}> @ | 29-Oct-02/7:45 PM | Reply
i would end with fuck this can't...totally appropriate use of mood and insomnia and achieving ones listed goals. proud of yeah. fuck that last can though. take this 9 and filet mignon gift basket.
[n/a] nentwined @ > <{Baba^Yaga}> | 5-Nov-02/3:01 PM | Reply
hmm, yeah. or even: "FUCK won't will not can't" to mirror the beginning some.

thanks. that "can" is a bit wussy after all that.
[8] New Life Drug @ | 17-Dec-02/5:46 PM | Reply
can't is a sickening word. i like the ending of "can?" It saves it
[6] <~> @ | 18-Dec-02/7:27 AM | Reply
run! run! they're coming for you!
[0] conny lingers @ | 7-Feb-21/12:21 PM | Reply
I like the word FUCK but nothing else
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