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always the end to this good night (Free verse) by nentwined
always the end to this good night looms distant and despair is anon and again round the bend coming hence always the end to this good night looms far come the eyes try to shut try to close and give in always the end to this good night looms nearer and its jaws around your neck you can feel dripping sweat but always the end to this good night looms past and its jaws are but ash as the dawn comes to play and always the end to this good night looms gone and the day to this night shakes its head and bids adieu.

Up the ladder: Sleep does my eyes
Down the ladder: 575

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10  .. 121
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.. 23

Arithmetic Mean: 6.814815
Weighted score: 6.8103275
Overall Rank: 387
Posted: September 30, 2002 2:25 PM PDT; Last modified: September 30, 2002 2:25 PM PDT
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[8] <~> @ | 30-Sep-02/3:39 PM | Reply
weaves and bobs aprropriately.
[n/a] nentwined @ > <~> | 30-Sep-02/3:42 PM | Reply
:bounces happily: I wrote something that doesn't necessarily suck. :) :eagerly awaits more votes:

it's been so long since I posted something other than a crapshot haiku. :) being delirious really helps.
[5] jessicazee @ | 30-Sep-02/3:45 PM | Reply
use more concrete imagery, but I like your style
[6] <{Baba^Yaga}> @ | 30-Sep-02/6:15 PM | Reply
to yieu, and yieu and yieu.
[9] INTRANSIT @ | 30-Sep-02/6:55 PM | Reply
Seriously, what's up with the sleep dep. dude. Dudette?
[n/a] nentwined @ > INTRANSIT | 30-Sep-02/6:57 PM | Reply
dude it is. Umm. Working on a project. :) Working mad hardcode on a project, trying to do it as "right" as I can without not doing it (the perfect void?). At... 31 hours. Not so bad, really. I'm debating going another 24. :)
[n/a] Owner of the Sky @ > nentwined | 1-Oct-02/12:26 AM | Reply
You might want to suck on a honeycomb for that insomnia of yours K. :op Where in the name of arse have you been?
[n/a] nentwined @ > Owner of the Sky | 1-Oct-02/12:33 AM | Reply
where? hmm. I've been wholly uncreative is all, woefully inadequate to any task beyond the methodical. (sorry, this, that, er, too much! -- this is a wholly and willfully self-induced bout of insomnia to work on one project that needed working on with whole-hearted abandon... which I am mostly doing. But a side effect of this "insomnia" is that in this waking period I've written FIVE poems (four amusingly doggerel haiku, and this oddly interesting piece, all of course centered around sleep deprivation and the like)... and I'm actually writing a piece of fiction for a contest (due half an hour ago, but since I"m the one who posts them.... la la la). anyway, I need to apologize for the hirsute prose... it's the nature of the character I'm writing as and I'm a bit stuck. la. I guess that's all?
[9] INTRANSIT @ > nentwined | 1-Oct-02/11:24 AM | Reply
Well, when duty calls..... I'm sending you a 55gal drum of 50/40/10 coffee/espresso/nitrous oxide. And some trucker-isms to keep you going. Keep'er between the lines, keep the left door shut, and HAMMER DOWN!
[n/a] nentwined @ > INTRANSIT | 1-Oct-02/11:26 AM | Reply
ooh, that sounds like a good barrel of fun, all you left out were the monkeys (maybe those are the folks rolling it up to my door?)

hammer down? I think at this point I need to keep making sure the right down is still closede and that the lines I'm following are the ones painted on the road.
[0] conny lingers @ 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 | 7-Feb-21/12:19 PM | Reply
Too much looming.
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