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Embrace the Politics (Free verse) by impert&ent
The other night. 2AM, talk radio, World Service. People who hear voices. Have their reasons. Some benign, some beneficial. Not all terrorific. Yesterday. Local alderman shows himself a buffoon by asking the wrong sort of demanding questions. A frenzy ensues. Until the masked man takes us aside to say

Up the ladder: Forbidden
Down the ladder: Politick

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Arithmetic Mean: 2.5
Weighted score: 4.8814354
Overall Rank: 9946
Posted: August 26, 2016 8:15 AM PDT; Last modified: August 26, 2016 8:15 AM PDT
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[n/a] impert&ent @ | 26-Feb-17/5:38 PM | Reply
Stewart Stacy
3 view(s)

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