Question (Free verse) by Tchur
If we took from your silk throat
Your garnet-studded black velvet band,
What would we find?
If we unwreathed from your wrist
The silver bracelets it affections,
What would we see?
If we plucked from your hair
The ring of rosebuds that crowns it,
Would they be thorned?
If we looked at your arms, at your legs -
Are they bejeweled with henna or with scars?
And are those scars of a child's falls
Or of the screams we never heard?
Are you marked with wounds of antiquity
Or with wounds of the recent past -
With wounds of a helpless tree
Or wounds of your own sharp knife?
And those love marks on your throat
Are they signs of love or of pain?
Is your throat unblemished beneath your velvet band
Or does it show the traces of a failed bid to die?
Does your scalp bleed from its crown of thorns
Placed there by one who loved you?
Is your skin unblemished, soft and white,
Or is it slashed with marks of pain?
Is it the silence of a life
Or does it scream with a darken'd heart?
Shall we look on you naked and sigh with pleasure
Or weep at the pain printed on you?
Or are those screams the memories
Of the gilded whip he raised on you
Which you welcomed as it tore your flesh
And marked you as his love?
Votes: (green: user, blue: anonymous)
| Graph | Votes |
10 |

1 | 1 |
9 |

1 | 0 |
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0 | 0 |
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0 | 0 |
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1 | 0 |
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1 | 0 |
4 |

0 | 0 |
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0 | 0 |
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0 | 0 |
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0 | 0 |
0 |

1 | 0 |
Arithmetic Mean: 6.6666665
Weighted score: 5.4482355
Overall Rank: 2929
Posted: September 17, 2002 9:10 PM PDT; Last modified: September 17, 2002 9:10 PM PDT
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