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Blood Plush (Other) by Kamikaze
From high up inside the glass case They’d leer at me with infantile grace As day-by-day I’d watch the aisles Knowing, knowing all the while That one day they would come for me. I knew one day they would be free. She strode into the store in corpulent splendor Her very presence beckoning thunder Her purse, a body bag tied with string Key chain a mace, plush bodies hung on her ring. The woman’s reflection engulfed the display. Her visage waiting, salivating, sighting her prey. Atop a Beanie Baby tower The hottest sale this hour Clutching in her hand the collector’s mag, She spied Bumble the Bee with Fourth Version Heart Tag. She bought it, charged it on platinum AMEX Just six hundred thirteen dollars including tax. An admiring customer walked up to see. She picked up the plush little bumblebee. Turning it over, inspecting the chap, When suddenly, the swing tag went, “SNAP.” Time became slower, slower, slower As the Ty swing tag fluttered to the floor. And the Beanie matron watched in horror The bumblebee’s value lower…lower. Her rage building toward a bloody crescendo, She raised her fist, delivering a deathblow Smashing the poor woman across the head With the heavy key ring, striking her dead Her skull breaking open the beanie display case The blood pouring down her vacant face Splattered and sprayed onto Inky and Bongo Dripping toward Jolly and Gobbles and Congo, Their slavering priestess out of her mind, Muttering only, “A fitting end…for her kind.” The next few moments stay transfixed in time A horrible nightmare, no reason nor rhyme As the frightful woman stood there teetering, I swear to you, the beanies, they began…chittering. Chittering for blood in a frenzied way Clawing and scratching inside their display, For they flittered and chittered, clawed and spit. They slithered and slobbered, they howled and bit. Pouring from the case a plush-filled flood, A terror awakened by violence and blood. While the beanie collector stood in a trance Watching the cuties banter and dance In unison they leapt and plunged Towards her enormous girth they lunged. Bones the Dog bit her leg, Freckles grabbed her coat Crunch the Shark bit her arm, but Princess Bear went for the throat. I ran in terror. I tried to flee While the Beanie Babies feasted happily. I hoped to escape this sadistic dream Haunted and followed by the woman’s screams With Patty and Pinky nipping my heels And all of their friends from the Happy Meals. Trapped in the corner, I took up arms. I picked up a Nerf gun and sounded the alarms. I tried this action, but the point was moot So I smashed the Teenie Beanies with my boot. They splattered in a puddle of blood and piss So much for Pinky, Quacks, and Liz. I tried for the register, feeling empowered But alas, the old woman was completely devoured. So I dropped my gun and hit the fast track I ran like Hell and never looked back But now I’m safe from their domain Although the doctors say that I’m insane. They’ll never find me if you don’t tell Beanie Baby-free in my own padded cell.

Up the ladder: The Old Soldier
Down the ladder: The Writing Life #2

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Arithmetic Mean: 7.0
Weighted score: 5.2384057
Overall Rank: 4147
Posted: July 11, 2008 3:14 PM PDT; Last modified: July 11, 2008 3:14 PM PDT
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[6] FreeFormFixation @ | 29-Jul-08/2:14 AM | Reply
oh, god... this reminds me of when my dad used to buy and sell those things... i must have eaten 100 microwaved happy meals...
[5] Don-Quixote @ | 29-Jul-08/6:10 PM | Reply
Ok, now when you did barney and dora, the rhyme scheme wasn't an issue. But here? Here it's quite obviouse that the poem unfolded as it did because you stubbornly held to the rhyme. That and it's length made it a bit a chore to get to the end, even though it too had some pretty funny elements. You know, some powerful stuff can be forged when you loosen up and let a poem flow in a natural way, one that follows the human mind and not A B A B A B A B A B A B....

Your poem got owned by the strict, repetetive, hypnotic rhyme scheme. I felt sleepy, but could not pass out because the simplistic rhymes irritated me.

Try a hand at free verse, or even prose poetry. That, or do something worthwhile with rhyming form, like a villanelle. Also, the limerick is perfect for making a funny poem... its short, clever, has a rhyme structure, and if done correctly will make everyone giggle. Look up some of dark angels classics, he's done a lot with the limerick form.

You get what I'm saying dood? Fucking branch out.

Five. I'm being nice too, because I really wanted to say four.
[n/a] Kamikaze @ > Don-Quixote | 29-Jul-08/11:07 PM | Reply
So why is a villanelle or limerick any more worthwhile? (Or any less strict?) Who says I haven't written prose or free verse? This is obviously not for you and resorting to flames and snippy comments isn't necessary.
[n/a] Kamikaze @ > Don-Quixote | 29-Jul-08/11:41 PM | Reply
Don, I didn't realize you are also SupremeDreamer. I am surprised you like the previous two, but not this one. However, the rhymes are more sophisticated in La Llamada del Cholo as it is probably ten years newer than this one.
[n/a] SupremeDreamer @ > Kamikaze | 30-Jul-08/6:39 AM | Reply
The other two embodied my hatred for those kid shows. And I genuinely considered them funny, like I enjoyed reading every word.

I wasn't saying you never did write in those forms. As for the preference for villanelles? It enables one to come up with clever revolutions to the lines in rotating rhyme, it's preset at a good length, and it allows a poet to get away with pimple rhymes if he executes it well enough-- which is what you seem to be preoccupied with.
[n/a] Kamikaze @ > SupremeDreamer | 30-Jul-08/3:48 PM | Reply
I understand pimples to be lovelorn, mopey, angst ridden poems about relationships of youth. Right? This is more my own brand of twisted kiddie rhyme or nursery rhyme. While 90% of them have simple rhyme patterns, I'll try the advice of loosening up the pattern with a couple of new ones upcoming. If you read all my poems, you'd also see that converging storylines evolve, but I only post the ones that can stand alone here. Go read Equestrian Dreams if you want to see what happens when I strip out the rhymes and go free verse. Even with similar subject material, the effect is not the same.
[10] T. Jonathron Remp @ | 29-Jul-08/11:17 PM | Reply
[n/a] Kamikaze @ > T. Jonathron Remp | 29-Jul-08/11:50 PM | Reply
There is incongruity between your comment and your vote. I prefer love or hate to indifference, but not sure which you're feeling.
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