Sidestepping (Lyric) by MacFrantic
This isn't bad, but it's not good
I let the smoke roll off my breath
Sometimes I think, don't think I should
My eyes can see my life's a mess
The clouds all rain
But just on me
I beg for mercy in my sleep
Nobody's listening
The buildings creak and gutters moan
Why can't the world leave me in peace?
I choke the fear down on my own
I feel the poison in my knees
Headlights shine
But not on me
Sidestepping traffic in the street
Nobody's listening
My nightmare's drowning all my dreams
The mirror laughs and shakes its head
I grit my teeth and rip the seams
The damage turns my fingers red
My image fades
But dwells on me
So I collapse in misery
Nobody's listening
Votes: (green: user, blue: anonymous)
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Arithmetic Mean: 6.0
Weighted score: 5.0474257
Overall Rank: 6934
Posted: January 17, 2008 10:46 PM PST; Last modified: January 17, 2008 10:46 PM PST
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