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Russian absinthe (Free verse) by AlexandraLeaving
What you told me What you said How you broke it apart In the fields of azure suns and leaves red How you groaned As I bled And how I thought With this gift I give With me forever he'll live And how it ached between my legs for days But desire this wolf within me Drove me back to your arms When I looked at my tight young skin Next to yours I thought Komarovsky I am yours

Up the ladder: On Golden Bond
Down the ladder: Focus

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Arithmetic Mean: 6.25
Weighted score: 5.1490035
Overall Rank: 5326
Posted: December 29, 2006 5:34 PM PST; Last modified: December 29, 2006 5:34 PM PST
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[8] Ranger @ | 2-Jan-07/1:26 AM | Reply
I quite like this and I don't know why.
[n/a] Stephen Robins @ > Ranger | 4-Jan-07/7:18 AM | Reply
Ranger you like everything, a vote from you is like a wet fart in a pair of somebody elses trousers in a different country.
[8] Ranger @ > Stephen Robins | 5-Jan-07/3:35 AM | Reply
It's true. I even like that comment. I was born with a terrible disability that meant I couldn't dislike anything, and have had to go through life wearing a faintly puzzled smile. It's a bit like being Borat, only without the sock visibility.

Did you know that in 2041 we're all going to be wiped out by an enormous asteroid unless NASA can get Bruce Willis out of retirement to open up an Armageddon-style can of whupass on the situation? No more poemranker, no more cancelled flights from Heathrow, no more David Gower. What will the place be like then?
[n/a] Stephen Robins @ > Ranger | 5-Jan-07/4:57 AM | Reply
I understood that NASA were going to grow Dovina beyond her already epic proportions and use her as some kind of giant sponge to absorb the impact.
[n/a] Dovina @ > Ranger | 5-Jan-07/12:43 PM | Reply
Not to worry. Even an inanimate asteroid will divert its collision course upon the possibility of smearing its pristine surface with the body fluids of Stephen Robins.
[8] deleted user @ | 2-Jan-07/8:52 PM | Reply
I like this also--it has a nice rhythm to it.
[8] Shuushin @ | 10-Jan-07/7:01 AM | Reply
A Doctor Zhivago reference? Ivan Komarovsky? But I'm thinking that since you are from New York, it might be Mirra? But you said "he" earlier. I dunno now.

I'm just being silly - it must be Zhivago.

Maybe it's just some random guy.

Anyway - I like the poem

Post more things please.
[n/a] AlexandraLeaving @ > Shuushin | 10-Jan-07/9:33 PM | Reply
Yes it is actually a zhivago reference one of my favorite books
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