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To The Modern Black Standard (Free verse) by ALChemy
Rid the infinite redirect- ed slave lineage models for a 76 Coupe Deville, civil hero dealer of pleasure and painkillers. Lest ye be written in the book of cattle people who you prod with pimp cain or cocaine or staff of god. What's the difference? Still the man's bitches. And those hos and bitches twichin' ass or kitchen grease slave to the neo-slave, maids baby makers. You say it's 'bout money you lie. Eyes turn from bright skin. For fear? For hate? For lust? You rage- (for the caged bird sings to the white feline (songs of Johnny Appleseed)) -"Why motherfucker, why?" What's the difference? Still the man's bitches.

Up the ladder: distance
Down the ladder: Mind's Eye

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Arithmetic Mean: 6.4
Weighted score: 5.166884
Overall Rank: 5006
Posted: November 5, 2005 5:38 PM PST; Last modified: November 5, 2005 5:38 PM PST
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[9] zodiac @ | 6-Nov-05/4:31 AM | Reply
You must mean Billie Holiday singing "gimme a pigsfoot and a bottle of beer" as written by a Jew.

Try Nina Simone:

You know I smoked a lot of grass, Oh Lord, I popped a lot of pills
But I never did touch nothing that my spirit couldn't kill
You know I see a lot of people walkin' round here with tombstones in their eyes
'Cause the pusher don't care, child, if you live or if you die
God damn on the pusher,
I said God damn him
God damn him, pusher man

You have to hear it. When Nina says God damn, you know God's paying attention.
[n/a] ALChemy @ > zodiac | 6-Nov-05/5:35 AM | Reply
I'm sure I've heard the song before but I can't remember it. I tried to find it on the web to listen to but have yet to find a sample in which she is singing. Throw me a link if you find something.

The spacing and indentations are just my homage to the time honored Poemranker tradition.

Who did write "gimme a pigsfoot and a bottle of beer"?
I'm not a Jew. I'm Black Irish with a little Native American thrown in. Can you imagine the amount of alcohol I've consumed.

I do love the blues though.
[9] zodiac @ > ALChemy | 6-Nov-05/6:02 AM | Reply
"Gimme a Pigfoot" was apparently written by black vaudeville singer Sox Wilson. I meant Billie's notorious for singing white peoples' standards, like the Gershwins' "They Can't Take that Away from Me", and having people think they're authentic blues. That's what I got out of "the caged bird sings to the white feline", anyway.

I can't find anything more of "The Pusher" online except a 30-second clip at Amazon, which I don't think makes it to the chorus.
[n/a] ALChemy @ > zodiac | 6-Nov-05/6:48 AM | Reply
I like your interpretation better. A much more subtle, less offensive take than what I was thinking but I think you still get the gist.
For every black person trying to progress there's two more pulling in the opposite direction. Black people are still being held down by there own misconceptions of themselves and self imposed stereotypes. I was inspired by the words of such men as Frederick Douglass, Booker T. Washington and Bill Cosby.
The caged bird is stolen from Mia Angelo and used in this poem to represent a married or seriously involved black man yearning for freedom to spread his seed to the white pussy. You see how this is probably not what Ms Angelo had in mind. -Bwahahahaa!- Ms Angelo.
[9] zodiac @ > ALChemy | 6-Nov-05/6:05 AM | Reply
re: "That's because democrats tend to be isolationist pussies."

In the last election, 58% of Americans with passports voted Democrat, 35% voted Republican.
[n/a] ALChemy @ > zodiac | 6-Nov-05/6:59 AM | Reply
I didn't mean personal isolationism. I meant democrats are the homemakers of the country. Republicans take care of the business.
So democrats are like women in the 1950s.

Personally I think both parties are old fashioned.
[8] INTRANSIT @ > ALChemy | 7-Nov-05/3:11 PM | Reply
You're a Black Irishman? Do you hate yourself?
[7] richa @ | 7-Nov-05/2:44 PM | Reply
Oh, you are upset because I deleted a comment. I just thought you were a rambling idiot. :(
[n/a] ALChemy @ > richa | 7-Nov-05/2:59 PM | Reply
Oh, you are upset because I gave your poem "politics" a goose-egg. I just thought you sucked and LL Cool J did it better. :(
[7] richa @ > ALChemy | 7-Nov-05/11:58 PM | Reply
Oh, you are a rambling idiot. <:(
[n/a] ALChemy @ > richa | 8-Nov-05/1:36 AM | Reply
Wow! What a comeback. What's next "I know you are but what am I"?

Oh, You are a dick.

Try denying that one Richard. <:o
[7] richa @ > ALChemy | 8-Nov-05/3:59 AM | Reply
What do I get from writing a witty comeback against an ass. Oh, glory me, I have defeated an ass.
[n/a] ALChemy @ > richa | 8-Nov-05/4:13 AM | Reply
No surprise you say "writing a witty comeback against an ass" seeing your head is stuck so far up yours that you don't know when to give up. Or is your idea to clog up my poem's comment section with your inane filibustering until I finally start deleting them and then say "Ha! See.
Don't bother. Unlike you I can move on from criticism.
[9] zodiac @ > ALChemy | 8-Nov-05/5:59 AM | Reply
Please forgive richa. He's a very nice guy who simply can't help getting in fights with people he essentially agrees with whilst online. I think it's something to do with the limitations of written language.
[n/a] ALChemy @ > zodiac | 8-Nov-05/6:05 AM | Reply
Already forgiven.
[8] INTRANSIT @ | 7-Nov-05/3:13 PM | Reply
wow. I'm waaaaaay off. I thought it was a litany against blacks! HA! I gotta get out more.
[n/a] ALChemy @ > INTRANSIT | 7-Nov-05/3:24 PM | Reply
Don't worry. Your first reaction is expected and somewhat intended. It only means you're normal. Irony can do that in a poem. It is kinda racist for a white dude (me) to criticize black people for their self image. So you're not waaaaaay off.
[7] richa @ > ALChemy | 8-Nov-05/12:01 AM | Reply
do you think black people intrinsically have a black self-image involving slavery and pimping. Now that is racist.
[n/a] ALChemy @ > richa | 8-Nov-05/1:18 AM | Reply
Saying "black self-image" is racist. Black standard is the popular image they generate. When black people stop calling each other Pimp, Nigga, Ho, etc. and stop refering to white folks as the man, when rappers stop rapping about how great it is to be a Gangsta, Pimp, Dealer, Criminal, etc. Then we'll talk.
I never denied being racist at some level. We all are.
[7] richa @ > ALChemy | 8-Nov-05/3:57 AM | Reply
Is it all black people that talk like that. Is we will talk when black people stop doing x a reasonable response to a black person who has never said bitch in his life.
[n/a] ALChemy @ > richa | 8-Nov-05/4:15 AM | Reply
If it was all black people I would have said ALL black people genius.
[7] richa @ > ALChemy | 8-Nov-05/4:35 AM | Reply
Of course it is all black people. Black is a term that refers to all black people. Do you think black swan refers to all black swans except peter the black swan. Are you mad.
[n/a] ALChemy @ > richa | 8-Nov-05/5:06 AM | Reply
Actually come to think of it I did mean all black people when I said "When black people stop calling each other Pimp, Nigga etc."
Would you rather some black people stop doing it and some continue or all of them stop doing it. Yes, some already don't but their automatically include into the all that don't. I will concede "Stop" should have been "aren't". It must be the racist in me slipping out again. You really should admit you're knit-picking at this.
[9] zodiac @ > ALChemy | 8-Nov-05/6:02 AM | Reply
The fact that you've studied art means some white person somewhere is surely calling you a faggot right now. You must really hate white people, too.
[n/a] ALChemy @ > zodiac | 8-Nov-05/6:04 AM | Reply
Even more so.
[n/a] ALChemy @ > ALChemy | 8-Nov-05/6:34 AM | Reply
I've worked in constuction too. Which either counter-acts that or makes me one of the Village People. Imagine if they knew I wrote poetry?
[9] zodiac @ > ALChemy | 8-Nov-05/6:39 AM | Reply
Yeah, so basically if you're holding your breath for people without prejudice or dirty slang, you're going to asphyxiate. Besides, everyone knows black people's personalities are pathological, so it's not their fault. What's whitey's excuse? He was trying to be like black people.
[n/a] ALChemy @ > zodiac | 8-Nov-05/6:49 AM | Reply
Maybe we should great each other by saying "Well hello there honky and how are you this fine day."

True but Dovina still doesn't seem to understand how them negroes are.
[9] zodiac @ > ALChemy | 9-Nov-05/6:42 AM | Reply
It's shameful. She comes from Tennessee, but obviously one of the all-white parts. Now she lives in the most segregated state in America - California.
[n/a] celticskatermatt1 @ | 7-Nov-05/6:18 PM | Reply
what are you like 5?
[n/a] ALChemy @ > celticskatermatt1 | 7-Nov-05/7:25 PM | Reply
My poem includes words such as pimp, bitches, cocaine and motherfucker. If this is what reminds you of 5 year olds then I would suggest you get some serious psychiatric help.

If you're replying to the comment I made on your poem. I would suggest you click the little green reply link in the corner of my comment beneath your poem. Post whatever remark your teenage mind can muster but for God sakes stop stalking everyone who says something you don't like. Ya sicko.
[7] richa @ | 8-Nov-05/12:05 AM | Reply
I find it interesting that when people use the written word to say bad things about black people they call it irony if they don't really mean it. I would have thought using socially unacceptable words and thoughts gives the writer a kick, a reactance against censorship. That is not really irony.
[n/a] ALChemy @ > richa | 8-Nov-05/1:29 AM | Reply
What is ironic is you think it's racist when the poem is actually about perpetuating racism. In this way I really mean it. The first word is "Rid" as in get rid of all these stereotypes. To use words like "Nigger" as only a kick against censorship is not good poetry it's just being a Richard. Dick.
[7] richa @ > ALChemy | 8-Nov-05/3:53 AM | Reply
That is not ironic.
[n/a] ALChemy @ > richa | 8-Nov-05/4:24 AM | Reply
A poem mocking and criticizing racist stereotyping appears racist to you. How is that not ironic.

Irony: An expression or utterance marked by a deliberate contrast between apparent and intended meaning.

Or maybe your definition is "like ra-a-ain on your wedding day..."
[7] richa @ > ALChemy | 8-Nov-05/4:33 AM | Reply
That you write a poem to be anti-racist and because of your own racism it turns out to be appallingly racist is ironic. It is not ironic when I comment you fail. By the way don't you think rain on your wedding day is ironic. I do.
[n/a] ALChemy @ > richa | 8-Nov-05/5:08 AM | Reply
Thank you. You saved me the effort of arguing genius.
[n/a] ALChemy @ > ALChemy | 8-Nov-05/5:11 AM | Reply
How's that for irony?
[8] Caducus @ | 8-Nov-05/5:08 AM | Reply
I got some ideas from this - inspiring and bar raising.
[n/a] ALChemy @ > Caducus | 8-Nov-05/5:10 AM | Reply
Thank you. I hope those ideas don't get you in trouble.
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