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A Night at the Move-ies (Free verse) by Crann Mascher
Last night I went to see X-Men with a bunch of ex-men One guygal was unhappy with his genitalia One guygal had a wicked case of echolalia One guygal came from Westphalia One guygal had issues with his basal ganglia One guygal just came from the bacchanalia One guygal was a distant cousin of Antonin Scalia (just go with it. GOSH!) Most all were from the kingdom animalia The movie suck’d. I’m glad it’s o’er. Give a holler to Bosworth-Toller*! [all due respect to Sherm Lollar**] [and the almighty dollar***] *look it up. **look it up. ***acquire it.

Up the ladder: *-UNTITLED*-
Down the ladder: Orca

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Arithmetic Mean: 7.0
Weighted score: 5.2384057
Overall Rank: 4060
Posted: August 5, 2005 5:30 AM PDT; Last modified: August 5, 2005 5:30 AM PDT
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T. Jonathron Remp

[9] Bethy @ | 5-Aug-05/7:02 AM | Reply
I love your poetry...your my hero...LOL Bethy :)
[10] T. Jonathron Remp @ | 5-Aug-05/7:38 AM | Reply
This poem is of great importance, and impotence
[7] Dovina @ | 5-Aug-05/1:56 PM | Reply
Makes a gal wonder, how many guygals do I see in the lady's room.
[9] zodiac @ | 6-Aug-05/3:03 AM | Reply
Makes me wonder, why did you emphasize "move" in movies? Movies just means pictures that move.
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