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Amalgam - 7th iteration (Free verse) by Bankrupt_Word_Clerk
Also to you, The one out there with the heart. Thank you for being so open. Refreshing; breathtaking; alive with possibilities; Assume your place in my hall of fame. Be still. Be un-agitated and beautiful In your self-assured walk. Glow. It's okay. Do it. Just glow on and on. It's for the best. Like an incandescent beacon of good will, You are as unique as snowflakes as opulent as a midnight porpoise ride in the Effervescent froth of sea foam green- Shining algae in the breakers. Don't let the dolphin slip away in the dark waters. Hang on and ride, ride, ride into the moonlit surf. Laughing. Radiant life spilling from your eyes. You’re a painting. A statue. A moving collage of pastels Golden, blue and crimson heated brightness in the center. Brace yourself for the accident. The collision of diamond against steel. Rock it 'til it breaks the needle. Smile at the joy you have detonated In the lives of the people around you. You have pierced a hole in the sky and Laughed at what has poured out. You aren't dreaming. It's real. Glow.

Up the ladder: reptile
Down the ladder: tuesday

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Arithmetic Mean: 4.5
Weighted score: 4.976287
Overall Rank: 8257
Posted: June 7, 2005 2:34 PM PDT; Last modified: June 8, 2005 12:24 AM PDT
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[7] deleted user @ | 7-Jun-05/3:45 PM | Reply
Strong ending.
I would delete 'glowing' and try to find a substitute for the glowing in 'algae'
202 view(s)

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