Boxes (Free verse) by MacFrantic
Look into my box of Hate
And tell me what you see
If it's loathsome
I advise
To shut the box
It would be wise
Sometimes in my deepest boxes
I will see some awful things
All's the matter
I do wonder
When the box of
Fear I plunder
What box shall hold Jealousy
A fragment of my glaring eye?
When it's worn
And all but rotten
Shall my box
Be far forgotten?
Reaching into boxes brings
Haunting memory to surface
What is broken
In my heart
Is Shame which
Rips my world apart
Boxes many loot the ground
Contents spilling over me
Joy I find
To my surprise
And to my feet
I quickly rise
Frantically I search the room
Looking for that box of Worry
Boxes seem
To disappear
When most I need
Their comforts here
A solitary box is waiting
In the shadow of the door
Shaking it
I hear but Sorrow's
Cries which bring
These tears I've borrowed
Numerous mistakes I've made
Opening a box or two
I look in
And it looks out
The Guilt
Which runs about
When a need for Hope comes forth
Such a box will shine all bright
Filled with an
Elusive good what
Makes its home
In walls of wood
Pride is in a metal box
Beneath these loose floorboards
What I say
Is what I mean
That some boxes
Must stay unseen
My exhaustion reaches over
And I find a box so plain
It's a perfect
Sort of square
For Love to live
Inside of there
Constantly I dump this from
The box that doesn't close
But always down
Onto my shoes
Falls Courage
That I never lose
There remains a box to open
Which I dread the very most
It is scorn
Exempt from gain
This box of
Naught but searing Pain
Boxes opened all to me
This is where I leave to go
At Peace
I am hereafter
To lay in
Fields of laughter
Votes: (green: user, blue: anonymous)
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Arithmetic Mean: 4.5
Weighted score: 4.976287
Overall Rank: 8271
Posted: September 9, 2005 10:07 PM PDT; Last modified: September 9, 2005 10:07 PM PDT
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