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Aimee (Free verse) by LintyWeenis
With a crooked smile, I rejoice. With a heavy heart, I confess. Your sadness brings our happiness and for this I am truly sorry.

Up the ladder: 10/8
Down the ladder: He Will Be Loved

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Arithmetic Mean: 5.25
Weighted score: 5.029801
Overall Rank: 7308
Posted: May 27, 2005 9:08 AM PDT; Last modified: May 28, 2005 3:17 PM PDT
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[9] Dovina @ | 27-May-05/4:56 PM | Reply
Title is great; wish you'd done more with it. Leave out "It is".
[n/a] deleted user @ > Dovina | 27-May-05/5:02 PM | Reply
'wish you'd done more with it' is an euphemism for 'what the hell she's talking about'. If the first two words are deleted, comma's will be needed in mid-sentence.
[9] Dovina @ > deleted user | 27-May-05/10:36 PM | Reply
I think it should be he's, not she's.

With a crooked smile, I rejoice.
With a heavy heart, I confess.
[n/a] deleted user @ > Dovina | 28-May-05/6:49 PM | Reply
This is the first board I know of where poems can be altered after posting. Confusing. Because I understood that it erases all comments, but mine is still there I see.
[n/a] LintyWeenis @ | 28-May-05/3:18 PM | Reply
I wasn't sure what to do with the title. I wrote it about her, so I saw it fitting.
Thanks for the tips :)
[9] Dovina @ | 30-May-05/6:36 PM | Reply
Codependency perhaps, I say whatever works. A complex issue made clearer in just a few words.
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