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Bilateral (Free verse) by Hadasl
A man is made up of two, I believe and the dark side is often well hidden yet there are days, that walk on their toes and they always will come, quite unbidden When all the backs are turned, and the sky turns gray you wish that you could fly away to that land of dreams and sky-scraping thunder but is it better than this? I sit. And I wonder. For a kiss on the cheek can quite turn to a slap and a look in his eyes that can shame I'll never forget, and might always regret the red hair that sets me aflame But she loves me, I thought, as she punched and she swore and I made blood flow down my hands while she flew and she soared and I wonder who loves me more, and whether they do if I kill myself mama, it'll be only for you Yet I do not know, for how can I choose between a love that is counted and one that's perused for the look in his eyes and the slap of her hand they tear me apart, as I decide where to land

Up the ladder: starry

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Arithmetic Mean: 5.25
Weighted score: 5.029801
Overall Rank: 7304
Posted: April 5, 2005 11:31 PM PDT; Last modified: April 5, 2005 11:31 PM PDT
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[n/a] andrew barnes @ | 21-May-05/12:22 PM | Reply
Liked the title.....interesting rhyming scheme but found the rhymes themselves too obvious. Content seemed unfocused.... obvious passion but was this written for the reader or the author ?
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