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Cold Turkey (Free verse) by johnnyfontaine23
Cold Turkey, Relish...... Bread for the Soul Stale Buttered and battered Red Tomato paste Oozing Injected Satisfaction A great feed

Up the ladder: Rinse
Down the ladder: Hair

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Arithmetic Mean: 5.857143
Weighted score: 5.230521
Overall Rank: 4244
Posted: March 22, 2005 2:24 PM PST; Last modified: March 22, 2005 2:24 PM PST
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[7] jessicazee @ | 22-Mar-05/11:06 PM | Reply
Make this a prose poem and it will rock, after you add a few more lines. Potential.
[8] Art Glocken @ | 23-Mar-05/4:46 AM | Reply
not sure about the injected line...but i understand where your coming from....mmmm turkey.
[8] Art Glocken @ | 23-Mar-05/4:46 AM | Reply
not sure about the injected line...but i understand where your coming from....mmmm turkey.
[9] durr_T_hip_E @ | 23-Mar-05/11:41 AM | Reply
I love it...there's an irony about the title (i would guess this was intentional, and, if so, witty)...

great choice of adjectives....simple poem about a simple pleasure in life and very poetic in description...i personally really like the choice of "injected" to symbolize the act of eating, as though it's not really your choice (and it's not!) to eat, it must be injected into you as a prerequisite to survival...your bread is stale even---but you're grateful for the meal you're eating...

again...i love it...9...and a 9 only cuz i rarely give out tens (what is perfection anyway?)

great poem - keep it up


[9] Mister Cakes @ | 23-Mar-05/4:17 PM | Reply
If poetry is a drug then i'm an addict. (So is water yes?) So Mr Blair, lock me up a throw away the key cause i ain't quitting this cold turkey. Thanks Johnny. Thats a 6.
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