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Memphis Skyline (Lyric) by wilco
I remember sitting on the banks in the January night Looking for the remnants of the last December light. And the houses on the hill are watching as the riverboats drift by And it seems like only yesterday I was under the Memphis sky. So cancel all your New Years plans because I’m coming home. I don’t remember any of this and I don’t want to be alone Everything looks perfect here but no one’s quite the same. I’ve been gone a bit too long and it seems I’m lost again. All I want is to be honest, but the past keeps telling lies I’m sorry that I answered so fast and I’m sorry I made you cry. And the houses on the hill are watching as the riverboats drift by And it seems like only yesterday I was under the Memphis sky. So cancel all your New Years plans because I’m coming home. I don’t remember any of this and I don’t want to be alone.

Up the ladder: Forest Rain
Down the ladder: My Guardian Angel

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Arithmetic Mean: 7.875
Weighted score: 5.7732067
Overall Rank: 1747
Posted: January 25, 2005 7:35 PM PST; Last modified: January 25, 2005 7:35 PM PST
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[9] Dan garcia-Black @ | 25-Jan-05/7:48 PM | Reply
Good lyric. The line "sitting on the banks" makes me wonder if it should be "sitting on the bank." I don't know if Memphis has several rivers with banks upon which to sit or a river with one bank and another on the other side. Still, I like it-9-.
[n/a] wilco @ > Dan garcia-Black | 25-Jan-05/7:51 PM | Reply
Really, it's just one big long bank, but it here in the south, we make everything plural, even if it should be singular. i.e. - calling one person y'all. ;o)
[9] Dan garcia-Black @ > wilco | 26-Jan-05/7:35 AM | Reply
I remember ordering dinner at a Ponderosa Steakhouse in Dallas. The waitress stopped me in mid-sentence to tell me, "Y'all sure do talk funny." I guess it goes both ways. Sorry to mention that "Y'all sure do talk funny."
[8] Dovina @ > Dan garcia-Black | 26-Jan-05/10:29 AM | Reply
All three of you are drunk and seeing double.
[9] SupremeDreamer @ | 26-Jan-05/5:30 AM | Reply

Shaky but I can still groove. Has a slight villanelle feel to it.
[8] Dovina @ | 26-Jan-05/10:35 AM | Reply
I like a good song and hate to complain in the middle of a hill-billy gittin-back-tagether tune, but if you remember all this in Verse 1, why don't you remember any of it in Verse 3? An' ain't it presumptious of y'all askin' her ta cancel her New Years plans and all. You'uns stay with us, hear. It ain't all that bad.
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