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Storms (Free verse) by Jeremi B. Handrinos
Crackling clouds interrupt the drive Of a man bent on distance and need To talk God out of sanctimonious Moan-ings of celebrity and thunder. The beach is not right The desert has gone vague Mountains, now small Distance themselves well From land-slide and flash-flood. A packing house packs Guts of shredded domestication For housewives on cell-phones Landroving themselves into Another year of plastic and Urgent mouth-fucking. Were I the rain? I'd wash them all away With a wipe of wet hand And a million slapped pounds Of rock, mud, and death. But I am a poet So today, in this storm I will instead; dream the impossible And teach my son To light a fire.

Up the ladder: Kingdom Gone

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Arithmetic Mean: 8.142858
Weighted score: 5.8452444
Overall Rank: 1588
Posted: December 28, 2004 6:10 PM PST; Last modified: December 28, 2004 6:10 PM PST
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[10] Bhaskaryya @ | 28-Dec-04/10:21 PM | Reply
Very beautiful!!!!
[9] thepinkbunnyofdoom @ | 29-Dec-04/2:06 AM | Reply
Freaky twist at the end
[10] Lifeboatman @ | 29-Dec-04/4:38 AM | Reply
again, unselfish... beautiful.. 10
[9] auscot @ | 29-Dec-04/9:45 PM | Reply
You are a poet and I like your style, it says something and says it well.
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