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Sidestepping Stupor (Free verse) by PsydewaysTears
Perhaps to exist is to wonder, and to wonder— exist. I stretched my brain and snapped it in two... A prominent emptiness lingered underneath. Perhaps to exist is to feel, and to feel— exist. I grasped my heart and wrung it through my fingers... Its slimy residue evaporated in the wind. I stepped nakedly out from the shower of distilled thought and graciously handed myself a towel. I wrote my wonderings onto murdered flesh, read them aloud, and swallowed them whole. Satisfaction gurgled in my gut as I digested salty moments of unbearability. And an ogre named Reason sank into the depths of my closet to remain locked away until further notice— or until the end of time.

Up the ladder: Severed
Down the ladder: My back (An explanation)

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Arithmetic Mean: 7.2
Weighted score: 5.2622466
Overall Rank: 3956
Posted: December 22, 2004 12:33 AM PST; Last modified: December 22, 2004 12:33 AM PST
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[10] horus8 @ | 22-Dec-04/1:19 AM | Reply
Nicely done.
[n/a] PsydewaysTears @ > horus8 | 22-Dec-04/1:33 AM | Reply
Heh! :D Thanks again, ;)
[9] Dovina @ | 22-Dec-04/10:51 AM | Reply
At least you're not assuming we know the setting this time. This is good. Verses 5,6 and 7 need some opening transition, I think.
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