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I Love You Mildred Rogers No Matter What (Free verse) by cat
I am supposed to wear glasses, because I can’t see. I am slightly sightless. Afflicted with a misshapen left eye and a far less right eye. In the early morning I can’t even see the clock or make out the moles on whatever’s lying on my dirty sheets. In the mid morning I can’t even see the middles of my view in the reflection of the rubbed away moist. I am supposed to wear my glasses all the time, but I don’t wear them, because I like the fuzziness and fadedness of what my eyes see when they aren’t on. When I put my glasses on, everyone become a little bit uglier, every thing becomes a little too vivid, every thing is a little too tangible. With my glasses I can see people from over fifty feet away. When I don’t wear my glasses faces looks a little bit better, because they don’t have wrinkles or zits, and the hair on the heads look a little better, because they don’t have dandruff or split ends. I don’t have to acknowledge that figure way over there or that thing I am trying to avoid, because I can’t see it anyway. I don’t need to see to go on, at least not up here. Glasses are dumb.

Up the ladder: The Fire You Give
Down the ladder: soulless

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Arithmetic Mean: 4.6666665
Weighted score: 4.9602656
Overall Rank: 8632
Posted: August 2, 2004 6:44 PM PDT; Last modified: August 2, 2004 7:13 PM PDT
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[5] Dovina @ | 2-Aug-04/8:03 PM | Reply
Could be said more effectively in half the words.
[n/a] cat @ > Dovina | 2-Aug-04/9:52 PM | Reply
What do you think I'm trying to say? Honest question, not me being a smartass.
[n/a] INTRANSIT @ > cat | 3-Aug-04/9:09 AM | Reply
may I take a shot?
[n/a] cat @ > INTRANSIT | 3-Aug-04/10:02 AM | Reply
Of course.
[5] Dovina @ > cat | 3-Aug-04/10:06 AM | Reply
You don't like glasses because they let you see too much.
[n/a] cat @ > Dovina | 3-Aug-04/10:54 AM | Reply
I was trying to use glasses as a metaphor for consciousness or awareness.

This person is suppose to not have a grip on reality, the right eye that's "far less" is suppose to signify a lack of morals, the left eye that's misshapen is suppose to represent the action of immorality.

Sort of like that person that thinks someone loves them, even though they find another person's undergarments in the bed or a person that convinces themselves that a 9-5 job answering the phone is fulfilling...simply because it pays the bills.

I was trying to tie in the whole unreliable narrator, symbolism type thing, ok, but apparently I failed...

If you have to explain it, I guess it needs a rewrite.
[5] Dovina @ > cat | 3-Aug-04/11:06 AM | Reply
Yeah, I only saw the surface of it, if that's what you meant. Too vague for me.
[n/a] cat @ > Dovina | 4-Aug-04/8:17 AM | Reply
I have read some of your poems, we are at two different places and I don't mean poetically, I mean places in our lives in regards to perspective, so thats not a slam on your writing, but thanks for your input.

I need to be able to see what others might see in my work.

(revised because someone pointed out something i might have been implying which i wasn't)
[9] Dan garcia-Black @ | 13-Aug-04/4:28 PM | Reply
I like glasses. I spill less than when drinking straight from the still.
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