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today the world is beauty (Pimple) by nentwined
today the world is beauty and I am ugly the world is glory and happy and proud and I am weak and utterly insignificant. and want to cry.

Up the ladder: Scar Gazing
Down the ladder: Drying, Cracked Roots

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Arithmetic Mean: 8.090909
Weighted score: 6.5454545
Overall Rank: 655
Posted: July 2, 2004 10:05 AM PDT; Last modified: July 2, 2004 10:05 AM PDT
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[8] Dovina @ | 2-Jul-04/11:23 AM | Reply
I've never quite felt this way. Either I feel happy to be an insignificant creature in a beautiful world, or I feel sad in a world that appears ugly. Maybe you mean awestruck at your littleness compared to Nature.
[n/a] nentwined @ > Dovina | 2-Jul-04/11:33 AM | Reply
I don't think I've felt this way before, either. It's rather disconcerting. I actually really don't mean awestruck in that manner. No awe is involved.

I suspect it may have to do with my sleep cycle and my caffeine cycle.
[8] SupremeDreamer @ | 2-Jul-04/11:54 AM | Reply
Sounds like a baby infant. Blessed with eight.
[n/a] nentwined @ > SupremeDreamer | 2-Jul-04/11:56 AM | Reply
You know, I think you nailed it.

Today, I feel like a baby infant.
[n/a] god'swife @ > nentwined | 2-Jul-04/4:08 PM | Reply
Where's your mommy? Ask -=Dark_Angel=- if you can suckle on his overflowing poetry tit. He's such the mothering type.
[n/a] DreamerSupreme @ > god'swife | 3-Jul-04/9:17 AM | Reply
Like how a murderous nut nurtures his dying victim while simultaneously cradling his knife in a cancerous and ignoble fashion? Yeah.. that sounds motherly.. if it's my mother and not him.

Cursed pirates and sea-clowns have struck again!
[7] <~> @ | 2-Jul-04/5:44 PM | Reply
too many times the world is this way.

but as a poem, it is telling more than showinhg. and i am a dick, maybe. but that is that. a weak, insignificant teary-eyed one, whose dreams are so different than the waking world.
[7] <~> @ > <~> | 2-Jul-04/5:50 PM | Reply
it's a slideshow under a microscope. it is exacting. if you have ever felt that way, you can identify. and that makes it strong.
[n/a] DreamerSupreme @ > <~> | 3-Jul-04/9:10 AM | Reply
Have you ever considered simplifying & compacting all this into something concrete and comprehensible instead of something vague and riddled? I think you've owned me. I am forever shamed. Damn you woman.
[n/a] Prince of Void @ | 29-Jul-04/1:34 PM | Reply
I understand what ur mood was ...we despair about our exsitence ..actully lost in the concept that is traceless without any clue that moment the world is pretending of the beauty and glory has made us to think we are so weaker...then the whole world is
[n/a] nentwined @ > Prince of Void | 29-Jul-04/1:49 PM | Reply
I wasn't really seeing any 'pretend' in the world. It was more an appreciation of nature's beauty than man's... and how I as a man (and more particularly as the man I am) couldn't hold a candle to the flame of a candle, or the simplest flower; and how even household names are nowhere near as long-lived as common grass. And things such as that. Perhaps.
[n/a] -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. @ > nentwined | 29-Jul-04/3:20 PM | Reply
You're such a fag.
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