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A short trip home (Free verse) by titan69
Who knows what lurks in the depths of the deep dark forest? Who knows? Who knows what hides in the quiet corners of the wood? And who is that strange figure that stands in the trees by the path? straight and still. Whos footsteps follow me as i head for home? Who knows?????.

Up the ladder: Unmistakably Mistaken
Down the ladder: The Glint

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Arithmetic Mean: 4.6666665
Weighted score: 4.9103527
Overall Rank: 9688
Posted: June 5, 2004 9:02 AM PDT; Last modified: June 5, 2004 9:02 AM PDT
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[7] INTRANSIT @ | 5-Jun-04/2:37 PM | Reply
Does the figure wear a tall hat? Is it cloaked in a cloak? Is it arm-ed with prawnes? Scary indeed.
[n/a] titan69 @ > INTRANSIT | 5-Jun-04/11:12 PM | Reply
no it is more scary than that!!! prawnes?
[5] edpeterson @ | 6-Jun-04/2:59 PM | Reply
abraham lincoln with a curling iron

in his pants.
[n/a] titan69 @ > edpeterson | 7-Jun-04/12:44 PM | Reply
Good Gess! but its not him next!
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