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bel-air (Limerick) by DR Limerick
There once was a man from bel-air who was shagging his girl on the stair the banister broke He doubled his stroke and finished her off in mid-air.

Up the ladder: A Taste of Rose
Down the ladder: Rose

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Arithmetic Mean: 6.0
Weighted score: 5.119203
Overall Rank: 5710
Posted: May 31, 2004 12:23 AM PDT; Last modified: May 31, 2004 12:23 AM PDT
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[6] titan69 @ | 31-May-04/12:15 PM | Reply
very funny not!
[10] edpeterson @ | 31-May-04/7:39 PM | Reply
has everything a good limerick should have... lewdness, humor, and fucked up bel-air, mid-air rhyme...and it opens up with the conventional "there once was a man from.." perfect
[n/a] DR Limerick @ > edpeterson | 1-Jun-04/2:14 PM | Reply
Yes iam DR Limerick there will be more top limericks to come
stay toond !!!
[4] Edna Sweetlove @ | 20-May-06/5:00 PM | Reply
Compared to most of the dreadful things here, this is good. But not exactly grammatical or accurately typed.
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