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20 most recent comments by Melanie Jade and replies
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Re: Flat by Skamper 4-Nov-07/5:42 PM
Re: A No One With A Face by calmyourself 4-Nov-07/3:35 PM
OH EM GEE. You should submit this to You would TOTALLY get this in a book!!!
Re: One Past Short Sleep. by Melanie Jade 4-Nov-07/3:26 PM
Spare yourself the trouble. btw, are you related to God? Striking resemblance
Re: a bit of theory by pete 4-Nov-07/2:58 PM
The closing metaphor is very well developed. I love this concept. Where I hold no clout in the poetic society, this poem would mean so much more as a persuasive piece instead of an informative. But excellent.
Re: Uttered Things by Sasha 4-Nov-07/2:49 PM
I'm reluctant to praise this poem with words. But it is beautiful.
Re: Who's on First? by Melanie Jade 4-Nov-07/2:42 PM
Originally, I considered the title "Who's UP first". Strike out?

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