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-=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. @ | 19-Oct-03/1:39 PM | Reply

-=Dark_Angel=- is proud to announce the Grand Opening of DR. E. CARAWAX'S MEDIOCRE POEME CHECKLISTE LABORATORY.

Inside the FORBIDDEN LABORATORY, you may:

3. Create text CHECKELISTES with a convenient form

Let a new GOLDEN AGE OF POETRY CRITICISM begin!!!!!!!!!1111

nentwined @ | 19-Oct-03/2:01 PM | Reply
thanks. I'd actually been meaning to take your work and do that. Though I think the mediocrity code should have a version number built into it, and should be legacy-centric. i.e. codes shouldn't change if you add or remove something from the list.

kudos to you, good sir!!!!!!!!111
Adding a version number wouldn't do any good unless old versions of the lists were stored, which seems a bit pointless given that what constitutes mediocre poetry shouldn't change. The real problem is settling on a good list.
anonymous @ > -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. | 23-Oct-03/8:02 AM | Reply
anonymous @ | 23-Oct-03/7:28 AM | Reply
How about devising DR. E. CARAWAX'S MEDIOCRE POEME GENERATOR - tick the boxes and click on "GENERATE" to create automatically a poem that fits the specified criteria.

Or would that involve too much work?
anonymous @ > anonymous | 23-Oct-03/8:03 AM | Reply
Dr. Carawax is not in the business of generating mediocre poetry.
Stephen Robins @ | 27-Oct-04/5:21 AM | Reply
This no longer works! Surely with the recent glut of bow'ls there is a very real need to automate the process of slander. Obviously more bespoke offerings should be proffered by individuals along the current lines for exceptionally dim and wallyish writing, but a more generalist, faster approach should be taken to the subjugation of the general utterance of guff.

Kindly reconstitute this underemployed panacea to marginalise the shibboleths.
Please see

User: henry
Password: winkler
anonymous @ > -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. | 28-Oct-04/2:43 AM | Reply
You don't have permission to access /cgi-bin/wiki/ on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.


Apache/1.3.31 Server at Port 80

Does this mean the geeks who work in IT won't let me use it or is it a sure sign that your powers of IT are being drained away as you search in vain for a job at an Investment Bank?

Incentally, working for an Investment Bank is terribly gauche, only those who went to fee paying grammar schools sully themsleves with this debased occupation as they try to convince themselves they are rich even though their parents were only partners at mnediocre accountancy/solicitor practices whom had to "leverage" to purchase their detached new build properties in some god awful part of the home counties. Investment banking is only marginally above recruitment consultancy and estate agancy in the order of service sector industries. Further, I suggest that one hundred years ago the families of these self-same "professionals" were nout but clerks at some fantastical assurance company and will be forever mired in filling in meaningless forms at the behest of their betters.

Gentlemen, who have land (real land, with tennants not a casual acre or two surrounding their hideous new build home with wall to wall magnolia) in the shires, occupy their time in a proper profession which will allow a laissez faire approach to be taken safe in the knowledge their's will always be a comfortable existance. A job that will involve flexible hours where one is one's own boss not in some terribly new world corporate structure with "HR" departments and "an appraisal process".
anonymous @ > anonymous | 28-Oct-04/9:42 AM | Reply
Probably you're just a nonce. The link is:

Don't just click on it like a nincompo'op, copy and paste it. Furthermore, ensure you have given your name to the doorman.
anonymous @ > anonymous | 28-Oct-04/10:57 AM | Reply
It is ace in the Rutherford Club.
anonymous @ > -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. | 29-Oct-04/6:38 AM | Reply
You're well angry.
-=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. @ > anonymous | 29-Oct-04/11:02 AM | Reply
You aren't bum-faced; you're a bum-face.
>Is poetry something you think you know about.

Yes. From an early age we have all been poetry experts, and that's why we decided to bring poemeranker into The Rutherford Club.

>Is there any reason for this.

Yes. All of us have obtained A grades in Her Majesty's English GCSE course, which includes extensive research into poemes and poetry. In particular: Wilfred Owen's 'Dulce et decorum est', and listening to Burgers give a talk on poetry.

> Are there any girls in your club.

The Rutherford Club is a Gentleman's Club. Ladies are welcome to dine with the Gentlemen, but when Important Matters Of The Towne are discussed they must repair to The Chetwoad Room.

> It all seems a little homo-erotic to me.

It is well known that heterosexuals conduct the majority of their social affairs with members of the same sex. Should there be a significant bias in the opposite direction, it would be a matter of great concern to the Gentlemen of The Rutherford Club.

> your friend Richa

Thank you for your interest. For further information, do not hestitate to contact either myself, or our Membership Negro.
anonymous @ > -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. | 11-Nov-04/4:08 AM | Reply
zodiac @ > anonymous | 13-Nov-04/4:14 AM | Reply
Use tinyurl, you gay.

And please provide your username and password for friendpages, as your session has apparently expired.

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