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On a Forgotten Riot, Washington, DC, 1990 (Free verse) by dave78981
rambling poets and riff raff alike were called by wailed despairs some grievance now forgotten an instant later blood on cobblestone streets flickers of firelight in broken store windows men forget dignity for a time and become not unlike those beasts caged three blocks away third world actions burst forth from carefully packaged polished finish police smash cameras they know won???t forget in eerie prelude to future events shop owners and vagrants both hurl rocks at each other at cops at wild dancing shadows an overturned car underscores the point reality, status quo is upside down here is it really the sting of of teargas clouds that makes me cry?

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xxx68.166.37.1850June 21, 2005 3:50 PM PDT
Anonymous212.138.47.111October 20, 2004 4:19 AM PDT
horus824.126.116.545November 12, 2003 6:45 PM PST
Anonymous68.63.132.1867August 19, 2002 10:17 PM PDT
Frass66.160.116.1937August 19, 2002 12:50 PM PDT
Anonymous194.222.69.435August 19, 2002 12:03 PM PDT
[mojo] 19, 2002 12:01 PM PDT

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