Their Little Girl 2 (Free verse) by AskittlesK
You're their little girl
out on your own
tryin' to make it away from your home.
You're their little girl
but they don't know you
But, it always ends up that all they wanna do is
own you.
You don't wanna show them who your really are
'cuz they won't understand,
They never will, and never did.
One day, you push them and they push you and you
both push
just a little to far...
They can't tell your angry
They can't see your sad.
They don't know you want your independance.
And when you try to fight for it, it drives you
Now, You try to tell them they don't own you
but they don't know you ,
All they wanna do is control you.
They want to run your life,
They want to run your future
They'll never let you be free
it seems,
Your caught in the puppet strings.
You'll never be cut loose
to make you own choices.
Your whole life is based on what they want you to
When all you want is to be free,
They don't know the real me.
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