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Pose (Other) by horus8
I had duct taped the deer antlers to my wrists and forearms. They were coming over to kill me. It was four in the morning. I had been high, insane, and doing push-up's since midnight. My hair slick with sweat and pulled back tight. I smelled like a werewolf, but lipped like a priest, under a black violet light my rage was unsheethed. I muttered and spat and paced wild cat. Waiting for the signal from my front door mat. Finally, it came as I'd mentally rehearsed it the same. I stood there half naked ripped Jesus Christ pose. Black rose bloody teeth and those motherfucks froze. We stared at eachother but then I broke with a scream. they turned and looked at one another as from the bowels of a bad dream. I leaped over the couch with a wicked quick pounce. The blood fell from their face, and I mean every last ounce. I stuck one on the spot. Dead to the door. The other sprang away to the car as my hand from tape tore. I pursued him with glee, but he didn't want any more. I guess he could see I was more then he had bargained for. He fumbled with his keys, and made the sign of the cross. I stuck the other antler through his door, and said, "Show that to your boss."

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xxx68.164.242.1510May 23, 2005 7:18 AM PDT
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Anonymous152.163.252.16810January 19, 2004 12:37 PM PST
Anonymous147.226.177.2310December 17, 2003 11:14 AM PST
SupremeDreamer66.53.160.1558December 16, 2003 9:46 PM PST

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